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Jenn Smith UO - Lerc President
Mohamed Mounir UO - CAS Business Office Fin OPS Vice President
Michael Thorne UO - CAS Business Office Purchasing OPS Secretary
Sam Galli UO - Knight Library Treasurer
Beth Robinson UO - UR Jsma Lead General Council Delegate
Jimmy Murray UO - Knight Library General Council Delegate
Annie McVay UO - Allen General Council Delegate
Louie Vidmar UO - Computing General Council Delegate
Theo Ko Thompson UO - Oregon Hall General Council Delegate
Alexander Ellis UO - UR Jsma General Council Delegate
Sam Galli UO - Knight Library General Council Delegate
Nick Sloss UO - Facility Services General Council Delegate
Nick Sloss UO - Facility Services Lead Steward
Jerimiah Igou UO - Facility Services Steward
Louie Vidmar UO - Computing Steward
Beth Robinson UO - UR Jsma Steward
Cims Gillespie UO - Facility Services Steward
Mike Barr UO - Emu Steward
Stephen Houston UO - Walton Complex Steward
Mohamed Mounir UO - CAS Business Office Fin OPS Steward
Chuck Theobald UO - Rsch Technical Services Steward
Theo Ko Thompson UO - Oregon Hall Steward
Rieley Umphress UO - Walton Complex Steward
Gary Malone UO - Facility Services Steward
Jenn Smith UO - Lerc Steward
Chris Case UO - UESS OAA PathwayOregon Steward
Johnny Earl UO - Facility Services Steward
Kristy Larson UO - Olum Child Devel CTR Steward
Nick Nighswonger UO - Facility Services Steward
Joey Monroe UO - Walton Complex Steward
Ruby Thompson UO - SRS Insurance Office Operations Lead Contact
Alison Helzer UO - Rsch Finance and Business Admin OPS Membership Organizer
Annie McVay UO - Allen Newsletter Editor