October 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024

Our Membership Advantages open enrollment is the time members purchase life, short term disability or legal insurance. You can also make changes to existing coverage or cancel coverage during open enrollment as well. All new enrollments, changes and cancelations will take effect January 1, 2025.




In addition to your free $2,500 member life insurance, you can enroll in supplemental life. You are guaranteed enrollment in life insurance during this open enrollment, this is an exclusive opportunity for SEIU Local 503 members only!

Coverage is guaranteed during open enrollment and rates are based on age and coverage amount.

  • Members are guaranteed up to $100,000 with no health questions asked. Coverage up to $200,000 with approval through medical underwriting.
  • Spouse/partners are guaranteed up to $40,000 with no health questions asked. Coverage up to $200,000 with approval through medical underwriting.
  • Children are guaranteed up to $10,000 with no health questions asked.

You must work at least 40 hours per month to purchase supplemental life insurance. You must be enrolled in supplemental life to purchase spouse/partner or child life insurance.

You can find the Life Disability Enrollment package here.
You can find the Life Disability Enrollment Form here.



Members are guaranteed enrollment in short term disability insurance during this open enrollment. is available to all members during open enrollment!

You must work at least 80 hours per month to purchase supplemental life insurance.

You can find the Life Disability Enrollment package here.



Members can purchase ARAG Ultimate Legal insurance during this open enrollment period. Legal insurance provides coverage for wills, family law, traffic tickets, bankruptcy, landlord issues and more. Most issues are covered at 100% and a free identify theft insurance is bundled into the plan! Click on this link to watch a short video to learn what ARAG legal insurance is all about!

You can find the 2025 Legal Enrollment Packet here.
You can find the 2025 Legal Enrollment Form here.



When can I sign up for voluntary life insurance, short-term disability insurance, or legal
insurance? You may enroll in voluntary life insurance within 90 days of new membership or during
an annual open enrollment period. Life and short-term disability insurance can be requested
outside of those timeframes; however, your application will be subject to medical underwriting and
approval is not guaranteed.

Where can I access enrollment forms? Enrollment forms for life, legal, and short-term disability
are located on our website: or members can also contact Membership Advantages to
request the forms, and a representative will send the forms by mail or email, depending on your

How can I update the beneficiary for my life insurance policy? You can update your beneficiary
at any time by requesting a Beneficiary Designation/ Change Form from the Membership
Advantages department: email, or call 503-772-6569.

What is the cost of enrolling in insurance? For life insurance, premiums are based on your age
and amount of coverage selected. Short-term disability premiums are based on your wages and the
coverage selected.
Legal insurance can be purchased for an individual ($18.04 per month) or family plan ($23.74 per

Will my current benefits roll over into the next year? Yes, if you are currently enrolled in life,
short-term disability, or legal insurance benefits, they will automatically renew each year if you do
not act.

How do I cancel or make changes to my life, legal, or short-term disability insurance policy?
You may submit a cancellation request during an annual open enrollment period. All cancellation
requests must be submitted in writing and will take eƯect January 1st of the following year. Members
can complete an enrollment form and select “cancel” as the reason for change, or submit a
handwritten letter containing your name, date of birth, explicit request to cancel coverage, and
signature. Handwritten letters can be received by email, regular mail, or fax.

How do I obtain a copy of my life insurance policy? You may request a proof of coverage letter at
any time by email:, or by phone: 503-772-6569.

Does my life insurance policy have cash value? No, the life insurance is a term life insurance
policy and will only be paid out to the beneficiary on file at the time of death.

Click here to view the slide show from our virtual open enrollment meetings from October 16, 2024.