Published: May 18, 2020

Exploring Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Security in Oregon

Take this Western Oregon University nutrition survey for a chance to win $200

Western Oregon University would like to invite you to take part in a survey to help better understand how COVID-19 has impacted health in Oregon, particularly how it has affected food insecurity. They are interested in how food access and habits have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic has begun along with other factors known to be associated with health, such as physical activity and stress. Take the survey!

Due to the potential spread of the coronavirus, Homecare Local 99 leadership has suspended all face-to-face meetings until further notice. Online options are being utilized. Please check the SEIU 503 website calendar where more information will posted as it becomes available. Please contact with questions about the calendar. Click here to check out our full calendar of trainings, meetings, and events.

For information regarding free training classes for care providers, check out the following links:

A Virtual General Council

The highest governing body of SEIU Local 503 is our General Council. The General Council usually holds a convention biennially in even-numbered years. At our biennial convention we adopt our budget and, through the submission of resolutions, discuss and adopt policies and goals that affect our union.

Based on our current understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic, large events are unlikely to be sanctioned until the end of the year. Therefore our member-elected SEIU 503 Board of Directors have made the decision to move to a virtual event for General Council this summer. Our hope is that we use this as an opportunity to innovate, while also completing the necessary governance that keeps our Union running. Watch your mail for more detailed information about this event in the coming weeks.

Not filing taxes could be why you’re not seeing your CARES Act check

Do you care about healthcare?

We believe that healthcare is a human right, and that no one should be denied the care they need to live a life of dignity. The COVID-19 pandemic makes it clearer than ever that we as a society are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us, and that public healthcare is essential to our collective well-being. And yet, over 27 million Americans are currently uninsured, and many more are at risk of losing coverage if the Supreme Court decides later this year to invalidate parts or all of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

We want to hear from you – to gather your testimony, opinions and concerns about healthcare. Click here to take a survey and share your thoughts. 

Stay Informed!
Is your contact information current? Fill out this quick and easy form  to make sure you stay in the know!

Follow us on social media:
SEIU 503 Facebook
SEIU 503 Homecare/PSW Facebook 
Instagram: @seiu503
Twitter: @SEIULocal503

Feedback, Article Ideas?

Thank you for taking the time to read our Dignity newsletter and inform yourself about what’s going on in our Union! Feedback, article ideas, news or event information are all welcome at

Where’s My PPE? 

Do you need medical grade personal protective equipment (PPE)? DHS has limited supplies and our Union is helping collect the names of people who need it, so we can push the agency to prioritize PPE for workers who need it. If you are seeking PPE and get turned away from a DHS branch, please contact the SEIU 503 Member Assistance Center (MAC) at 1-844-503-SEIU (7348) and let them know.

Don’t forget to vote! Primary ends Tuesday at 8pm.

The 2020 Primary Election ends tomorrow, Tuesday, May 19. As we look to emerge from the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis, it’s important that we have trusted elected leaders who will center our recovery on working people. The stakes are high and SEIU 503 members have put in extra work to identify the strongest candidates to fight for working families. Remember to turn in your ballot by 8 p.m. on May 19th. Click here for a list of SEIU endorsed candidates.