Published: June 7, 2019

In June the Public Employees’ Benefit Board (PEBB) will partner with the Oregon Public Health Division to launch the 2019 State Agency Employee Wellness Survey. All state employees will be invited to take the survey. The survey will ask questions about your health habits. It will assess your risk for chronic disease based on your behaviors. You will also be asked to evaluate workplace wellness programs.

Why is it important? We care about your health and your family’s health. Getting and staying healthy and being supported at work with your health goals can mean more money in your pocket and less that must be spent on the cost of health insurance.


What is the State Employee Wellness Survey?

The State Employee Wellness Survey is an online survey. PEBB has led these surveys since 2005. PEBB and the Oregon Public Health Division are working together to lead this year’s survey. The survey asks questions about your general health status. It also asks you to assess the work environment and wellness policies.

Why participate in the survey?

By taking the survey, you will help your agency develop its two-year wellness plan. PEBB will also use the information to:

  • Develop new covered benefits.
  • Improve current benefits.
  • Assess potential new health and wellness policies.

Here are some examples:

  • The 2010 survey found that a high percentage of PEBB members were overweight or obese. Most were trying to lose weight. This prompted PEBB to offer a no-cost weight management program.
  • In 2013 survey results showed an increase in heavy and binge drinking. These results drove PEBB to modify the substance abuse treatment benefit. The Board removed copays and deductibles for members who used in-network providers.

Is the survey legitimate?

Yes. PEBB has teamed up with the Oregon Public Health Division and an outside vendor, Altarum Institute who will manage the survey. Altarum is a non-profit healthcare research organization headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

How can I be assured that my answers will be kept confidential?

Your privacy is ensured. Altarum will send you an email at the address you provided during open enrollment in October 2018. This email will contain a unique link to the survey. Once you take the survey your responses will be cleared of any identifying information before being returned to the Oregon Public Health Division for analysis. Altarum has strict privacy controls in place to safeguard your information. Further, they are contractually obligated to share survey responses that have been cleared of identifying information only with the Oregon Public Health Division who will analyze survey results.

Your name will not be linked to your answers.

Is the survey part of the Health Engagement Model (HEM)?


Can I take the survey on work time and use my work computer?

Yes. All employees will receive an email at the address PEBB has on file for you. You can access the link from any computer or device to take the survey. Work with your manager to arrange time to take the survey at work.

How much time should I expect to need to complete the survey?

You can expect to need about 15 minutes to complete the survey. You will be able to save your responses and return later to complete the survey.

Is taking the survey mandatory?

The survey is voluntary. You may decline to answer some or all questions. However, your participation in the survey will help PEBB better understand the health needs of all members. Your responses will also help your agency to develop a wellness plan that reflects employee’s preferences.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Theresa Cross, PEBB wellness manager, 1-971-673-2826,


Margaret Smith-Isa, PEBB program development coordinator, 1-503-378-3958,