Published: July 27, 2021

Meet your 2021 bargaining team

SEIU 503 is a member-run union. Bargaining team is composed of members like you who work in represented Assisted Living Facilities. With legal, negotiation and logistical support from union staff, your bargaining team fights to make sure your priorities are reflected in the final contract.

First NameLast NameFacility
Bridget GoodlinBridgetGoodlinAvamere St. Helens“Working for a better tomorrow for our residents and quality pay hours and staffing for a hard working staff."
Mike KashdinMikeKashdinAvamere Sherwood“I’m happy to represent the hard workers of Avamere, and eager to fight for the respect, fairness, and living wages we deserve.”
Kiley ClementsKileyClementsAvamere at Bethany“I want to bargain to fight for what’s right and be a voice for those who feel like they might not be heard”
Juanita FranklinJuanitaFranklinAvamere St. Helens“I want to be in bargaining because I want to make a difference in my residents and coworkers lives”.
Vanessa DykesVanessaDykesAvamere Hillsboro“I choose to bargain because We all deserve a fair wage to support our families”
Libbie BaileyLibbieBaileyAvamere Newberg“I want to be on the ALF bargaining team because changes are happening fast now and I want to help facilitate a great contract to continue the upward movement and secure our gains.”
Jade McDonaldJadeMcDonaldAvamere at Waterford“I’m bargaining for a better quality of life through increased wages and incentives!”
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.SandraLopezAvamere at Seaside