Just two months ago, we got the first raise pay raise we’d seen in a long time. Without a Union, only some of us would have gotten wage increases, at a maximum of 1.5%.
However, over the last few years our Union has fought to raise the minimum wage, and this year the minimum wage is increasing at least 5.1% statewide and up to 15.4% in the Portland Urban Growth Boundary. Because of that, we fought at the bargaining table for our wages to be above the minimum.
Here are our wage increases as of July 1, 2017:
If you are below minimum wage you will be moved up to minimum wage + 2%.
If you are at or above minimum wage you will get a 2.7% increase.
The wage increases will be reflected in our paychecks no later than August 10, 2017.
Union = Strength! As our strength in numbers grows, so does our power at the bargaining table. In order to continue to fight for workers’ rights and win good wages and benefits, we need ALL workers to stand together. Our union is under attack by those who seek to take away our power in the workplace, and now more than ever we need to put forth a united front.
If you are not yet a member, or even if you are already a member but would like to show your recomitment, please take a moment to submit a membership application and let your fellow workers know that you stand in solidarity with them?
Despite those who would seek to divide us, we’ll keep fighting to make amazing things happen.