Have you thought about getting more involved in state and local politics? Maybe you’ve participated in our unions political program — and seen the power that we build by sticking together — or maybe the national news has pushed you to get more involved. There is a great opportunity starting February 1 that’s available to everyone in Oregon regardless of their political affiliation.
What is a PCP?
A County Party Precinct Committee Person (PCP) represent their precincts (neighborhoods of 500 registered voters) in votes of their local County Parties. These are elected positions that serve a two-year term. PCPs get a voice and a vote in the party processes. This year alone PCPs in both the Republican and Democratic parties have picked 6 new legislators by filling vacated seats!
This is not a full time job and shouldn’t impact your ability to attend to your commitments in work and life. If you’ve been looking for a way to make an impact and getting involved in politics, this is the opportunity for you. The Willamette Week did an excellent story on PCPs earlier this year.
Filing Opens: February 1st
Filing Deadline: March 6th
Election: May 15th
Voter Registration: You must be registered in the county you are applying for – because you have to return your filing form to your local county elections office. You must also be a registered member of the party in your precinct for a minimum of 180 days prior to your filing date in order to become a PCP for your party.
How to file to run
Democratic Party: dpo.org/pcp
Republican Party: https://oregon.gop/volunteer
Oregon’s other political parties do not have Precinct Committee People, but do have other opportunities to get involved. For more info on other political parties, visit the Secretary of
State’s Website: Oregon Political Parties
Mail in your SEL 105 form or file it in person at your County Elections Office, after February 1st, but before March 6th!
If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to Len Norwitz, SEIU 503 political organizer, at 503-772-5801.