Published: September 26, 2017

We had our third bargaining session for the new Dakavia contract on Monday, September 25th.

Our next session is this Friday, September 29th! Please wear purple to show solidarity with your Bargaining Team and coworkers!

In summary, we have already Tentatively Agreed on the following articles:

  1. Seniority: We agreed on new language for workers to apply and carry their seniority between Dakavia facilities. Additionally, if Bargaining Unit workers lose more than two shifts related to low census or other reasons, they will now get information ahead of time and more options in anticipating their future hours and making plans for their lives.
  2. Bereavement Leave: We agreed on broader language on who is covered in the immediate family for Bereavement Leave which would not only include domestic partners but also same-gender couples.
  3. Labor Management Committee: We agreed on allowing up to four members of the Bargaining Unit to be part of the Labor Management Committee so as to include more voices in the problem solving process, and to represent the whole facility and more departments and shifts.

We also got Dakavia to withdraw their proposal on shift mandation after showing we were united against this policy.

What’s the hold up? We are waiting on Central Table Bargaining to conclude so we can fully discuss wages, COLAS (cost of living increases), health care and the impact of Minimum Wage. Until Central Table finishes, we can not propose changes to these areas. We hope to get into the above economic issues on Friday.

But we remain clear on our priorities:

  • that everyone moves to a yearly October 1 date for raises instead of two different dates. This will be more in line with the other ownerships and will be less confusing for workers;
  • that everyone will get the full raise—whether you are on the wage scale or above the wage scale;
  • that the wage scale is in compliance with new Minimum Wage and future Minimum Wage;
  • and raising shift bonus differentials and narrowing the gap between Dakavia and other alliance contracts.

Please stay tuned! We are close to completing bargaining and are counting on you, our coworkers to stay UNITED!