Published: April 29, 2019

Our first April session with management was cancelled, but we met again for our regularly scheduled session on April 23rd.

The highlight of this session was a proposal by our team to create a pay differential for ODFW technicians who are required to have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) — they don’t currently receive one. Members have taken up this issue, and a group of hatchery workers from across the state attended the bargaining session to make their case to management. One of the members is a Senior Tech who would not be included in the differential but felt strongly enough about this inequity to advocate for his coworkers. Great job team!

The next session is May 14th in Salem and members are encouraged to attend. We have a lot of priorities this year and we need to show management that we’re united and strong so we can bargain from a position of strength.

We’re also encouraging members to attend the May 20 United for A Better Oregon rally in Salem. The purpose of this rally is to show leadership in Oregon that our entire Union is united behind a single goal of funding public services and winning strong contracts for the people who provide them. Sign up here.