Published: June 14, 2019
As we continue to meet management every week, we continue to have exciting wins! This week’s wins include:
- Vacation: Employees can now cash out 40 hours of vacation once per year, as long as the employee maintains a vacation bank of 60 hours and time enough to cover pre-approved vacations.
- Telecommuting/Teleworking: We currently have a Letter of Agreement with the State allowing telecommuting. This week we moved that into the contract, which means stronger protections for workers who need flexibility with telecommuting. In addition, we added clear criteria that management must use when deciding whether or not to grant someone the ability to telecommute or telework.
While these wins are exciting, we know that winning meaningful raises and protecting benefits are the top priorities. While we wait for a final budget from the legislature so that we can start digging into economic issues, we need to start building the pressure to settle a fair contract.
- If you haven’t downloaded a statewide petition in support of bargaining, download a copy here and ask your co-workers to sign it.
- We’re asking all worksites to hold an action each week in June to support a fair contract, you can see a sample action plan here. Talk with your organizer for support in setting up actions.
- Support SEIU members in the child welfare program. If you’ve read the news recently, you know that the foster care program is suffering from a huge staffing problem that is putting our members and vulnerable children at risk every day. Please take a moment to ask your Legislators to fund child welfare.