Vaccine Mandate Discipline Training (116)


This training will familiarize stewards with two tools created to help them navigate situations related to the COVID vaccine mandates, and the Hazard Payments that State Workers won in bargaining.  The Guides will cover the context for the employer policy requiring either vaccination or an exception, how that is something we as a Union bargained the impacts of, what we were able to win, and what to do when a worker chooses not to meet the employers’ requirements on the policy.  The second guide will review the criteria for the pandemic recognition pay, how much time a worker has to file a grievance once payments go out, and how stewards can help to win those grievances where there is evidence the worker should have received it.    




Learning Outcomes



5 Minutes 

Introductions, Code of Conduct Review, Union Training Time Codes


5 Minutes

Review the Purpose of this Training: Prepare Stewards for Questions about Discipline relating to the mandate, and the impact agreement (LOA)



5 Minutes

  Review the Context and Timeline. 

Review Letter of Agreement

5 Minutes

What is covered in the Letter of Agreement?  What are the key pieces for Stewards?

Insubordination Terminations

15 Minutes

What are best practices for Stewards who have workers who are refusing to meet the policy requirements?  What will process look like? Covers Pre-Dismissals, Dismissals, Last Chance Agreements, and more. 

Exception Process

15 Minutes

What are the best practices for Stewards who have workers who need help with the exception process?

Hazard Pay 

10 Minutes

Review the Guide for Pandemic Recognition Pay for Stewards.  Answer Questions.