When disaster hits our union, SEIU members are there for one another. The SEIU 503 Disaster Member Relief Fund was created during the COVID-19 crisis. Now it’s a permanent program of our union that’s in place to help people when there is a large-scale event that causes financial hardship for members of our community.

During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fund distributed $306,400 to 1,647 SEIU 503 members who lost income during the shutdowns. During the 2020 Labor Day wildfires, the fund distributed $137,000 to SEIU 503 members who were financially impacted by evacuations and property damage. During the historic ice storm and power outages of 2021, the hardship fund helped 1,152 people in our union who were financially impacted by the event.

Make a donation to the Disaster Member Relief Fund.

The fund is supported by the SEIU 503 Board of Directors and Sublocal funds, as well as donations from SEIU members and the community. When disaster strikes, information about contributing will be posted here.  

Permanent Fund Programs

Wildfire Assistance Fund

The back of a Portland firefighter in yellow and red safety gear, in front of Multhomah Falls.

This fund provides cash assistance for SEIU 503 members impacted by wildfires and evacuation. As these events are increasingly common in Oregon, we stand ready to support members if and when they are impacted.

The fund is opened on an as-needed basis. When opened, information will be posted here and sent out to members through our email and social media channels.

Donate to the fund

Immigrant Member Assistance Funds

In accordance with our union’s mission statement—to fight for racial justice and for immigrant rights—SEIU 503 may provide one-time financial assistance of up to $725 to members and members’ families who are facing financial hardship because of their immigration status.

Click here for additional resources.