72,000 people. 700 elected leaders. All working together for better wages and benefits, a voice on the job, and to grow our union.

SEIU 503 is a democratic, member-run union. Every two years, we elect more than 700 leaders to a variety of positions, such as the Board of Directors, sub local officers, and statewide officers. The people in these roles will shape the work of our Union over the next two years as we bargain strong contracts, represent workers, and grow.

Running for office and voting in union elections is the best way that you can shape the course of our Union. Your voice matters. Add it to the conversation.

2024 Statewide Officer and Board of Directors Election

Election results are in! Click here to view who won election. 

Any SEIU 503 active or semi-active member in good standing may run for Statewide Office, Director, or Assistant Director and any SEIU 503 active, semi-active, or staff member in good standing may run for Executive Director. Members are only permitted to be elected to one office and cannot run for or be elected to multiple offices. You must be a member eligible under the Union’s Bylaws by the close of nominations on July 22, 2024, in order to be eligible to run for office or vote. Members considering running for office should review all of the materials on the Election Information Overview page.

Ballots were mailed by Ryder Elections on August 30, 2024. Ballots must be postmarked by September 23, 2024, and received by Ryder Elections in Bend, Oregon no later than September 30, 2024, at 10am. This election will be conducted using ranked-choice voting. You can learn more about ranked-choice voting here. If you have any questions about the election, contact the Member Assistance Center at 1-844-503-SEIU(7348), Monday through Friday, 8am – 6pm, or email elections@seiu503.org.

Ryder Elections will begin counting and tabulating results on September 30, 2024, and results will be published on this page after candidates are notified, likely between September 30 – October 2 depending on when Ryder Elections concludes tabulating the results.

Nomination and Election Calendar for SWO and BOD
See SEIU 503 Bylaws for more details.
Monday, June 24, 2024Nominations open online at seiu503.org/weare503/
Monday, July 22, 2024Nominations close at 11:59pm
Thursday, July 25, 2024Nomination acceptance deadline, 5pm
Monday, July 29, 2024Optional candidate statements (400 word limit) and candidate photos to be included with the ballots are due by 10:00pm
Friday, August 30, 2024Ballots mailed by Ryder Elections, the independent
election service provider, to all eligible voters. Candidate statements posted on www.seiu503.org/weare503/ in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Simple Chinese and Russian
Monday, September 23, 2024Ballots must be postmarked by September 23, 2024, and received by Ryder Elections in Bend, Oregon no later than September 30, 2024, at 10am
September 30, 2024 – done (2-3 days)Ryder Elections ballot counting. SEIU 503 election certification, candidate notification and posting of results at www.seiu503.org/weare503/
November 9, 2024Successful Candidates Installation event, Location TBD

Sublocal Elections

Sublocal elections have ended for 2024. If you’d like to see results, please  click here. Members can also review the Member Guide to Sublocal Elections for more information about elections.

Additional Resources about elections