What is CAPE?
Citizen Action for Political Education, or “CAPE” is our organization’s Political Action Committee (PAC). When you make a voluntary contribution to CAPE, you help elect lawmakers who support the issues that matter to working people and our families.
The people elected to represent Oregonians in Salem and Washington D.C. impact our lives, and it is important that working families have a voice in the process.
CAPE members are encouraged to run for office and to be a leading voice in the election process. If you have been interested in politics for years, this is a great place to learn more. If you are new to the union, this is a great place to experience how politics impact our lives.
Invest in our political strength today!
When you make a voluntary contribution to CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education), you help elect lawmakers who support the issues that matter to working people and our families.
Contribute NowWhy is CAPE important?
A lot of the decisions that impact SEIU 503 members are made by local governments, the State Legislature, the Governor’s office, or in Washington, D.C. Our union’s member-run political program is how we make sure our voice is in the room when those decisions are made.
By investing time and resources in electing candidates who share our values, we can win major policy and budget victories in the Legislature. Recent wins include:
- Historic contracts for state workers and care providers that help our members catch up after years of inflation.
- Passing a bill to tackle the issues of harassment and discrimination at state agencies.
- Fully funding the Essential Worker Healthcare Trust that gives thousands of union nursing home workers access to affordable, high-quality healthcare.
- Securing more than $1 billion for higher education
- Passing a bill to put a cap on extreme rent increases to help keep Oregonians in their homes
Invest in our political strength today!
When you make a voluntary contribution to CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education), you help elect lawmakers who support the issues that matter to working people and our families.
Contribute NowInvest in our political strength today!
When you make a voluntary contribution to CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education), you help elect lawmakers who support the issues that matter to working people and our families.
Contribute NowInvest in our political strength today!
When you make a voluntary contribution to CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education), you help elect lawmakers who support the issues that matter to working people and our families.
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