The Member Leader Development Program (MLDP) was created to bring members into the heart of SEIU operations and provide them with training and resources to be leaders in their local Unions. This program runs for a minimum of 8 weeks and includes a variety of public sector workers each session. Each session is referred to commonly as a “Wave”. The Wave we are currently recruiting for will focus on increasing our Union’s power as we prepare for our next bargaining cycle. All you have to do is apply to the program, be accepted, and approved by your employer.

As a Member Leader you will: 

  • Partner with organizers across your agency to participate in on-going campaigns. 
  • Learn to have effective 1-on-1 conversations, including telling your union story effectively. 
  • Practice building skills in talking with workers about our political power, and how it impacts our power in the workplace and at the bargaining table. 
  • Learn best practices for engaging workers in organizing campaigns. 
  • Become well versed in engaging non-members about the importance of union membership. 
  • Build power in your local and worksite in preparation for the 2025 bargaining campaign.  
  • Develop a plan for re-entry into their worksite, including an ongoing leader development plan. 

Trainings Provided 

  • Labor Movement 101 
  • SEIU Local 503’s Story 
  • Structure and Caucuses 
  • Telling Your Story and Sharing the Union Difference 
  • Organizing Conversations 
  • Committing to Organizational Equity and Inclusion 
  • Mapping & Charting, Legislative & Bargaining Timeline 
  • New Employee Orientation Presentation 
  • Local 503 Data Systems and more. 

Pay, Benefits, and Position Requirements-

  • Positions are 40 hours/week, and overtime eligible, though overtime is not expected. 
  • We request union leave (unpaid from your employer) and pay you directly – replacement wages or $18/hour, whichever is greater. 
  • The position requires a car with insurance. Exceptions to this are possible on a case-by-case basis, as feasible for the operating needs of the program. 
  • Members who have health care coverage through their SEIU-represented job will receive COBRA reimbursements.

Questions? Contact Doug Geisler at