SEIU Testimony Template


This template was updated 1/29/2024. Thank you for taking the time to write testimony in support of HB 4045 –1 also known as the Public Safety Workforce Stabilization Act of 2024. This bill will increase benefits for Oregon State Hospital workers who work directly with patients and 911 telecommunicators.

Written testimony is one of our tools to ensure that the voice of SEIU members is heard by the decision makers in Salem. This is your opportunity to share your expertise, personal stories, and experience with the Legislature. The purpose of testimony is to advocate directly for what you want. Remember, this is your testimony, and it can be as short or as long as you need it to be to get your message across. Feel free to add or delete as you need.

Please email your letter in email or work format to Anthony Castaneda ( and Angie Ceja Ochoa ( Your organizers will format and submit the testimony on your behalf.

Key words: secure perimeter, secure campus, security escorts, secure transportation, public safety, quality care, 24/7 psychiatric and nursing care, etc.

Letter Template

To: House Committee on Emergency Management, General Government, and Veterans


Date: 2/6/2024

RE: HB 4045 Public Safety Workforce Stabilization Act of 2024

Dear Chair Grayber, Vice Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Tran, and members of the committee,

Opening Statement

My name is ________ and I am writing in support of HB 4045-1 Public Safety Workforce Stabilization to retain and recruit workers at the Oregon State Hospital (OSH) and 911 telecommunicators.

[Personal bio relevant to legislation] Who are you? What district do you live or work in, if relevant? What is your work experience related to the issue? What lived experience do you have? Where are you today? Tell a story about yourself and why you are credible on this issue.

I am a resident of [city] and [House District #/Senate District #]. I began my career at [agency] as a [job title] and later worked as a [job title].

My job today entails [describe your job duties] within the secure perimeter of the campus. On any given day, I work [# of patients or clients].

  • Describe secure perimeter – double doors and ID checks
  • Does your unit have protocols? Do they differ from other units?
  • What’s a code green and what’s your role?
  • How does your role support other roles?
  • When have you been asked to go the extra mile for patients or your colleagues?
  • A personal story
  • Relevant news stories
  • Security protocols
  • Time spent with patients in trainings/workshops

Unfortunately, despite the investments the Oregon Legislature has made in mental and behavioral health services, more needs to be done. The underfunding of services and critical staffing needs impacts the safety of the workforce and the quality of care for patients. This leads to workplace injuries and illnesses for state hospital workers, making the state’s psychiatric institute the most dangerous place to work.

How will this bill impact your job, you, or family? Will the impact be positive or negative?

  • I believe HB 4045-1 would improve the recruitment and retention issues…. In my experience,…..
  • The reality is that many of my colleagues don’t live long after retirement or carry with them an immense amount of physical and psychological trauma. With a lower retirement age and enhanced benefits, I would like to….
  • Due to the compromises in the bill, I know that I will not see the full extent of the benefits. My hope is that this will….
  • What does this mean for the recruitment and retention of the workforce?

Closing Statement

OSH workers on the secure campus, like me, deserve improved retirement benefits that recognize the dignity and value of our years of service. These benefits are vital for the well-being of OSH workers who must often retire early due to the immense physical, emotional, and mental toll of their jobs.

I ask members of the committee to fully support HB 4045-1. This bill will immensely help the state’s psychiatric and nursing workforce in the secure psychiatric facility. We need the Legislature to support the workers at OSH so we can continue to do our jobs: serving patients.


Thank you for your time and consideration,
