November 18, 2017
It is the express intent and obligation of SElU Local 503, OPEU to manage membership data with integrity and confidentiality.
SEIU Local 503, OPEU shall not release, sell, nor share membership records/information to or with unrelated entities.
SEIU Local 503, OPEU may supply vendors providing a service to SElU Local 503, OPEU select information with an agreement to protect the information provided, that the information will be used only for the identified project/service, and that it will not be disseminated in any way. For example: mail house vendor(s) for mailing services; US Post office for CASS certification of deliverable addresses; Voter File Service for voter registration verification, Life and Legal Insurance vendor for those carrying the benefit.
At no time will the information supplied to vendors contain personal information regarding the membership unless specifically required for the service being provided (i.e. payroll data, home phone number, home email address).
In compliance with Federal law and the SElU Local 503, OPEU Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures (AP&Ps), and consistent with determinations by the relevant Elections Committee, the Union will distribute campaign literature for candidates running for union office at the candidates’ personal expense. Under no circumstance will union funds or other resources be used to promote any member’s candidacy (excluding official election notices, candidate statements, election expenses and other expenses required by law).
Contact information for Board members and Committees shall be available to members upon their request. Sub-local leadership contact information shall be made available to members of the sub-local upon their request.
Upon request of the appropriate sub-local president, staff shall provide sub-local officers with the means to send out email communications to members within their local, to mail communications to members within their sub-local, and to phonebank members within their sub-local as needed. ln addition, upon request of the appropriate sub-local president, staff shall provide sub-local officers with the means to reach out to workers represented by SEIU Local 503, OPEU relative to a campaign or project, i.e. CAPE members, classifications for selective campaigns, organizing campaigns, etc. This information may not be retained by the local officer or used for officer election purposes.
Upon request, staff shall provide directors with the means to contact by email, mail, or phone workers who work in the director’s employer group and/or region. When participating in outreach efforts, officers may have access to specific member contact and worksite information relative to a campaign/project, i.e., CAPE members, classifications for selective campaigns, organizing campaigns, etc, at the discretion of the appropriate-level officer. Both staff and leaders are responsible to safeguard the confidentiality of this information by using this information for the purpose intended and no other. This information may not be retained by the local officer or used for officer election purposes.
General requests for information from the membership database that are not from or approved by the appropriate sub-local president or board director, as described above, or the statewide President, or the Executive Director or designee, shall be denied.
Anyone having member information shall be made aware of the importance of protecting that information from unauthorized individuals and shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Anyone having sensitive member information such as birthdates, home address, etc. on a laptop or other electronic device not secured within a SEIU facility shall ensure that information is password protected.
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