In the late 1990s and early 2000s, when SEIU 503’s Homecare Local 99 first organized, worker Karen Thompson was at the forefront of the nascent union’s leadership. Her courageous power helped move other care workers into action and once certified as a union, Local 99 elected Karen as their first president. Born with a lifelong disability herself, Karen was a dedicated care provider, and fought to protect low-income Oregonians’ right to hire their spouses, or other loved ones, as their homecare workers. Karen died of ovarian cancer during Local 99’s second bargaining cycle. The tragedy strengthened Local 99’s resolve to continue to improve their members’ access to high-quality medical benefits. Homecare leaders from that era make newer union members and younger leaders aware of Karen’s legacy, and recall one of her favorite mottos being, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”