Published: February 10, 2021

In 2021, Avamere workers are bargaining a new contract that covers wages, benefits, and workplace conditions like safety, PPE, staffing and more.

Meet your 2021 bargaining team

SEIU 503 is a member-run union. Members elect a bargaining team of their peers every two years. With legal, negotiation and logistical support from union staff, your bargaining team fights to make sure your priorities are reflected in the final contract. Click photos for more information.

Kerry Fuhrmeister

Alessa Straight
Michell Ogno
Samuel Browne
Sarah Sue LeBrun
Penny Mayers
Julie Southern-Wolfsong
Brandi Stambaugh
Jorge Flores
Loraine Akeem

Key issues for 2021

Hundreds of Avamere workers submitted bargaining surveys in winter 2020/21. These surveys tell us that the top 5 issues for Avamere workers are

  1. Better pay and benefits
  2. Improved staffing and better staffing ratios
  3. COVID-19 related PPE, pay, and benefits
  4. Retirement
  5. Healthcare

Take action to support the campaign

Upcoming events

Your bargaining team will continue negotiations with Avamere twice weekly through March. Any upcoming events will be posted here when we have information available.

Latest updates

Bargaining Update 3/15/2021

This week our bargaining team of Avamere workers discussed disaster relief policies that encompass a response to COVID-19 as well as planning for any future pandemic or natural disaster that affects the health and safety of workers and residents. We had a powerful sticker day action last Thursday, with over 800 members participating at 15 facilities from Medford to Portland.

A collage of Avamere nursing home workers in work uniforms wearing 'United for Safe Staffing' stickers
Avamere members all across the state sticker up for safe staffing

Sarah Sue LeBrun “It’s so great to feel the support of all my co-workers for being on the bargaining team to win the best possible contract for Avamere workers”
-Sarah Sue LeBrun, Bargaining Delegate and CNA at Avamere Transitional Care at Sunnyside

Take action to support the campaign

This Thursday: Sticker Up for Disaster Relief! Be on the lookout for “United for Disaster Relief” stickers, which will be delivered to facilities this week. We will continue to sticker up every Thursday to show united support for the issues being discussed that week in bargaining.

Bargaining update 2/26/2021

Our worker bargaining team and Avamere management have committed to coming to an agreement on the following items by the end of March:

  1. Industry leading wage rates with a minimum floor that supports the needs of Avamere employees and their families.
  2. A commitment by Avamere to participate in the State of Oregon’s Nursing Home Healthcare Trust.
  3. COVID-19 related pay, benefits and workplace protections.
  4. A commitment to implement a solution to ensure that the State of Oregon’s CNA staffing ratios are followed on a daily basis. This solution may include policies and/or contract language that address reporting, turnover and training.
  5. A new set of card check neutrality agreements for non-union Avamere operations.
  6. Continued support of the Nursing Home Training Trust with the goal of the Trust leading care training for Avamere employees.
  7. The establishment of minimum staffing ratios for Assisted Living Facility (ALF) care givers. These staffing ratios will be applicable to all of Avamere’s union represented ALF employees.

This week, our bargaining team discussed solutions for staffing, retention, and turnover. Avamere members report that they often work short-staffed. This leads to increased physical, mental, and emotional strain on all workers. Through the negotiation process, Avamere management and your bargaining team will work to find solutions so that every Avamere facility is fully staffed to ensure patient and worker safety.

Samuel Browne “Short staffing leads to a more stressful work place, increasing turn over and decreasing the quality of resident care. This has to stop.”
—Sam Browne, Nursing Home Council President, CNA at Avamere Beaverton