Published: March 19, 2021

We are hard at work to ensure your voice is being heard by management during the bargaining process. On Thursday we met with management to continue exchanging initial proposals. In that meeting, we presented proposals updating language around personnel records, as well as updates to union and steward rights in the workplace. Details on these proposals and updates on other topics are listed below.

Our team will continue to work on initial proposals until we’re back at the table with management on April 1st, 2021. At that time we will pass all remaining proposals (including those related to wages, benefits, natural disasters, and teleworking) and we’ll be sure to keep you updated. In the meantime, we encourage you to read the full list of current proposals, and take the pledge to support bargaining.


  • Clarified that rebuttals to critical material will be attached no matter where material is stored.
  • Clarified that material removed from a personnel record may not be referenced in future disciplines.
  • Private space and adequate equipment to represent coworkers
  • Ability for steward to attend meetings when an employee is making an ADA accommodation request
  • Two stewards in pay status for contract enforcement meetings
  • One hour/month paid time for employees to attend union meetings.
  • 24-hour notice of investigatory meetings that includes reason for meeting and who from management will attend.
  • Limit of two management representatives in investigatory and grievance meetings unless reason given for more to attend.
  • Management will complete investigations within 120 days.
  • Ability to meet with management before discipline is issued to provide mitigation or rebuttal of evidence.
  • Last chance agreements limited to 1 year and removed upon expiration.
We are working with management to extend the child care leave provisions in our COVID Letter of Agreement through the end of the school year (this provision currently expires at the end of the month). We don’t have a signed agreement yet, but expect to soon. This extension is possible because of the passage of the American Recovery Plan, which our members across the country helped pass by putting pressure on Congress to include State and Local funding in the bill. The American Recovery Plan will help all Oregonians and ensure the budget is strong enough to settle a fair contract this summer.PAYROLL PROCESS WEBINAR – NEW DATE
In last week’s update we let you know that we’ll be holding a webinar to share details on management’s proposal and to hear from you about your concerns and priorities based on what they’re proposing. We still haven’t received management’s proposal, and we’ve extended the deadline to pass initial proposals to April 1, and that’s when we expect to see something from management on this.