Articles not summarized below remain unchanged as Current Contract Language
Central Table
Article 1 – Parties to the Agreement
- Replaces the Oregon State Library with the State Library of Oregon and the Board of Psychologist Examiners with the Oregon Mental Health Regulatory Board.
- Adds the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
Article 2 – Recognition
- Replaces the Oregon State Library with the State Library of Oregon and the Board of Psychologist Examiners with the Oregon Mental Health Regulatory Agency.
- Adds the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
- Removes language about excluding bargaining positions that exists in other places.
- Updates LRU reference to DAS.
Article 4 – Term of Agreement
- Two-year term of agreement (expires June 30, 2021).
Article 10 – Union Rights
- Provides organizers access to and movement within Agency facilities and buildings when proper notice is given.
- Incorporates a Letter of Agreement on New Employee Orientations into the contract
- Union Stewards working a mandated shift can be compensated at the overtime rate for a pre-scheduled meeting or if they are required to attend one scheduled during their shift. Union Stewards working a voluntary shift in overtime status can be compensated at the overtime rate when they attend a meeting at the request of management or Human Resources.
- Adds the Executive Director to the indemnification language.
- Allows Directors and Assistant directors to be granted the ability to use leave time to attend both General Council and the SEIU quadrennial International Convention.
- The statewide officers will be given four hours of release time per month for duties related to their position.
- Updates information on what information will be included in New Employee Daily reports.
- Brings deduction language up-to-date with current systems.
- Includes requirement for the State to run quarterly audits on the lists it provides.
- Removes fair share language and references.
Article 14 – Negotiations Procedures
- Adds Department of Geology and Mineral Industries to the ODOT Coalition.
- Adds the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying to the Specials Coalition.
- Replaces the Board of Psychologist Examiners with the Oregon Mental Health Regulatory Agency.
- Increases the number of delegates at Central Table from eight to ten.
- Increases the number of coalition bargainers to thirty and removes limit per coalition. Each individual coalition bargaining team member will have 20 hours of paid bargaining time per month.
Article 19 – Personnel Records
- When DAS or an Agency receives a subpoena for an employee’s personnel records, the subject of the subpoena will be notified if possible.
- When DAS receives a statewide records request for public information, DAS will inform the Agencies. Individuals may work with their Agency to be notified of these events.
Article 19 – Personnel Records (Temporary Employees)
- When DAS or an Agency receives a subpoena for an employee’s personnel records, the subject of the subpoena will be notified if possible.
- When DAS receives a statewide records request for public information, DAS will inform the Agencies. Individuals may work with their Agency to be notified of these events.
Article 21 – Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
- Moves current language in article for clarity.
- Adds Article 56T to the list of articles that have alternate resolution paths.
- Updates Step 3 timeline. The Labor Relations Unit shall schedule a meeting to occur within thirty calendar days of receipt and their response shall be due within fifteen days of that meeting.
- Updates list of arbitrators.
Article 26 – Differentials
- Increases the High Work Differential to $1.50
- Adds a differential for UBIT operators with a Level 1 certification from SPRAT of $4.00 per hour.
- Custodians who work in patient areas at the State Hospital will receive a differential of 10%.
- Deletes the MCEO2 differential.
- Added “education/vocational curricula that leads to an agency approved vocational certification” to the GLC differential.
Article 27 – Salary Increase
- Effective July 1, 2019, a 2.15% COLA
- Effective October 1, 2020, a 3% COLA
- Effective July 1, 2020 an additional step shall be added to all salary ranges.
- The following classifications will be part of classification studies:
- Transporting Mental Health Aide
- Automotive Tech Series
- Mental Health Security Tech
- Office Coordinator
- Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 1
- Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 2
- Transportation Maintenance Specialist Entry
- Transportation Maintenance Specialist 1
- Transportation Maintenance Specialist 2
Article 27 Selectives
- Effective July 1, 2019. All least cost implementation unless otherwise noted.
Classification | Old SR | New SR |
Legal Secretary | 17 | 18 |
Paralegal | 23 | 26 |
Teaching Assistant | 13 | 15 |
Pharmacy Tech 2 | 14 | 16 |
Occupational Therapist | 29 | 32 |
Clinical Psychologist 1 | 32 | 33 |
Clinical Psychologist 2 | 34 | 35 |
Human Services Assistant 2 | 15 | 16 |
Automotive Tech | 12 | 14 |
Automotive Tech 1 | 17 | 19 |
Automotive Tech 2 | 21 | 23 |
Public Health Nurse 2 | 31 | 28N (new range, not a decrease in pay) |
Institution Registered Nurse | 31N | 28N (new range, not a decrease in pay) |
Office Specialist 1 | 12 | 13 |
Social Services Specialist 1 | 24 | 25 |
Social Services Specialist 2 | 26 | 27 |
Psychiatric Social Worker | 28 | 29 |
Parking Services Representative | 13 | 14 |
Executive Support Specialist 2 | 19 | 20 |
Public Service Rep 2 | 12 | 13 |
Public Service Rep 4 | 19 | 20 |
Electronic Pub Design Spec 2 | 21 | 22 |
Electronic Pub Design Spec 3 | 23 | 24 |
General Maintenance Mechanic | 19B | 21 |
Investigator 2 | 21 | 23 |
Investigator 3 | 25 | 26 |
Livestock Brand Inspector | 13 | 15 |
Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer 1 | 19 | 21 |
Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer 2 (everybody in this classification will receive an immediate step). | 21 | 24 |
Article 29 – Salary Administration
- Removes antiquated language about how salary increases happen.
- Changes language so that Salary Eligibility Dates can be on an employee’s hire date rather than the first of the month following.
Article 31 – Insurance
- For plan years 2019, 2020, and 2021, for workers enrolled in a medical plan that is at least 10% lower in cost than the monthly premium of the most expensive medical plan, the State will pay 99% and the worker will pay 1% of the premium.
- For plan years 2019, 2020, and 2021, for all other workers the State will pay 95% and the worker will pay 5%.
- For plan years 2019, 2020, 2021, part-time workers will have access to both the 95%/5% premium share and the 99%/1% premium share.
- The part-time subsidy will be determined by PEBB for each plan year.
Article 32 – Overtime
- Straight-time-eligible position employees will be paid out unused straight time upon separation from employment.
Article 34 – Standby Duty/On-Call Duty
- Employees shall be paid a minimum of the equivalent of two hours of pay when an employee is required to report to work when on-call.
- Additional call-outs during the same two hour period does not trigger another two hour minimum.
- This does not apply to telephone calls, emails, text messages, or telecommuting/teleworking.
Article 45 – Filling of Vacancies
- Adds the Injured Worker list to Section 2 of the Article as the first-priority hiring list.
- Removes hiring lists that no longer exist.
- Updates the list that people are hired off of and renames it the Applicant list.
- Removes language referencing exams.
Article 49 – Trial Service
- Clarifies that Section 1 of Article applies to permanent employees, and adds underfill to higher level classification to list of employees who serve a trial service.
- Adds seasonal employees to Section 2.
Article 51 – Limited Duration Appointment
- Clarifies that a limited duration appointment may cease at any time within the first twenty-four months.
- An appointment that extends beyond that may only cease when the special study, project or workload ends.
- If a limited duration employee is hired into a permanent position, their time in the limited duration will count towards trial service.
Article 56 – Sick Leave
- Removes language that refers to temporary employees.
- Removes pregnancy as a reason that the employer can ask for a doctor’s certificate.
- Refers employees to DAS policy on FMLA and OFLA.
- Clarifies that only employees on a continuous block of FMLA or OFLA leave can retain hours.
- Removes language about FMLA and OFLA being on a rolling calendar year.
Article 56T – Sick Leave (temporary employees)
- Creates a new article that houses all the sick leave language for temporary employees.
Article 57 – Bereavement Leave
- Adds clarification to existing language.
Article 58 – Holidays
- Gives employees the option to request off religious or cultural holidays that do not exist on the list of holidays in the Article.
- Changes requirement that employees must work 32 hours in a month to get holiday pay to a requirement that employees must be in paid status for 32 hours in month to get holiday pay.
Article 61 – Leaves Without pay
- Moves Peace Corps leave from the coalition language into the main body language.
Article 64 – Pre-Retirement Counseling Leave
- Makes pre-retirement leave accessible to people throughout their career with the State.
Article 66 – Vacation Leave
- Employees, once per calendar year, may cash out up to forty hours of vacation time as long as they maintain a balance of sixty hours.
Article 71 – Seasonal and Intermittent Employees
- Removes trial service language
- Changes “reached regular status” to “completed initial state trial service.”
- Updates PERS differential language to reflect the 6% versus the buy-out.
Article 81 – Reclassification Upward, Reclassification Downward, and Reallocation
- Adds supervisor to people who can request a reclassification upward for an employee.
- Reflects that Salary Eligibility dates can be on the date the request was received.
Article 107 – Job Protection for On-the-Job Illness or Injury
- Clarifies that return to work notifications must be made in writing
Article 123 – Inclement or Hazardous Conditions
- Rearranges article for clarity.
New Article – Telecommuting and Teleworking
- Moves Letter of Agreement on Telecommuting and Teleworking into the contract. Also, adds factors to be considered when reviewing applications for telecommuting and teleworking.
New Article – Rent Deduction
- Allows the State to deduct rent from the checks of employees who live in Agency housing.
Letter of Agreement – Article 51 – Limited Duration Extension Process
- Extends the DHS/OHA pilot program for notification to all Agencies.
Letter of Agreement – Article 123 – Inclement Weather
- Employees will now be able to use the leave bank for curtailments.
- Removes outdated reference to the Eagle Creek Fire.
Letter of Agreement – Volunteer Firefighter Leave
- Allows employees to be called out to wildfires for up to 14 days and utilize accrued leave or leave without pay at employee’s discretion.
Letter of Agreement – Benefits Training Pilot
- Extends the pilot program until there is a successor program.
New Letter of Agreement – Contract Specialists
- Creates a new program where members will be able to work with the union, but continue to be paid by the state, to strengthen the work of our stewards.
New Letter of Agreement – State Worker Training Fund
- Creates a funded training trust jointly with unions to provide trainings on PERS and PEBB among other things.
New Letter of Agreement – Child Welfare Workers
- Creates an expedited bargaining process for Child Welfare Workers.
New Letter of Agreement – Commuting Committee
- Creates a joint labor-management committee to explore commuting costs, including bicycling, mass transit, and parking.
New Letter of Agreement – Creating Healthy Worksite
- Every Agency will create an internal complaint procedure with an escalation process for behaviors that embarrass, humiliate, intimidate, disparage, demean, or disrespect.
New Letter of Agreement – ADA Accommodations
- Agencies ensure that information about ADA accommodations is accessible to employees.
- Agencies will acknowledge ADA requests within seven days.
New Letter of Agreement – PERS Diversion
- Nothing in the contract prohibits us from taking action on PERS legal decisions.
Letter of Agreement – Parking – PASSport Program
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Mass Transit
- This LOA will sunset
Letter of Agreement – Agency Layoff List Eligibility Extension
- This LOA will sunset
Letter of Agreement – Safe and Health Workplaces
- This LOA will sunset
Human Services Coalition
Article 19.1M – Personnel Records (DHS-OHA)
- The Agency shall prioritize providing written notice to the employee of the subpoena or request in the most expeditious format.
- The Agency will make every effort to ensure this notification occurs prior to the release of any information.
Article 45.1M – Filling of Vacancies (DHS-OHA)
- Adds language that the Agency is committed to hiring within and therefore the Agency will provide notice of opportunities.
- Adds promotional language to the article and that if the promotional candidate meets the minimum qualifications they shall be considered and receive an initial interview.
- Changes posting of vacancies from 5 working days to 7 calendar day,but will match central table language.
Article 45.1C – Filling of Vacancies (Employment)
- Adds language that the Agency is committed to hiring within and therefore the Agency will provide notice of opportunities.
- Adds non-volitional and medical hardship transfer language and process.
- Adds language that lateral transfer requests that have the necessary special qualifications shall be considered and offered an initial interview.
- Adds language that if you request interview feedback, both the request and response will be timely.
Article 106.1M – Labor/Management Committees (DHS-OHA)
- Adds language that allows the ability to discuss policies and procedures at local LMC tables but emphasizes that it is not a place for vetting policies or procedures, but rather a discussion if there are issues.
Article 106.1C – Labor/Management Committees (Employment)
- Adds language that allows the ability to discuss policies and procedures at local LMC tables but emphasizes that it is not a place for vetting policies or procedures, but rather a discussion if there are issues.
Article 121.1 – Education, Training, and Development (Human Services Coalition)
- Adds language that the employer will make reasonable effort to promote continuing education, training and upgrading of employees in areas that are job related or through career development to prepare for career advancement.
- Employees may request or participate in job-related training, career development or educational programs.
- Employees may request to take time off with pay for the purposes of enhancing job functionality or career development (when it is related to current job).
- For training and education that is not job-related (but still in the realm of Oregon public services) the employee may be granted time off without pay or temporarily modify their schedule or utilize their accrued leave, subject to management approval.
New Letter of Agreement – Critical Incident Leave for Direct Trauma (Human Services Coalition)
- Ensures that any employees who suffer from direct trauma during the performance of their work, receives the support and time that is needed to recover from any psychological impairment. The employee may take up to 3 days of leave without a Dr.’s note in the form of LWOP or any accrued leave if they experience direct trauma for each instance.
New Letter of Agreement – Worksite Wellness Committees (DHS-OHA)
- Supports and enhances worksite wellness committees in accordance with the DHS-OHA safety and wellness policy. Committee members will actively discuss and consider any proposed recommendations around wellness. Activities including, but not limited to those that are evidence based and/or culturally relevant. The committee shall be allowed to discuss wellness related topics other than the 4 focus areas outlined in the policy or Governor’s Executive Order.
New Letter of Agreement – Trauma Informed Trainings (Human Services Coalition)
- The state will continue to offer trauma informed trainings, agencies that don’t have them currently will develop and offer at least one training during the term of the agreement, information on the trainings will be shared at local LMCs.
- These trainings will be offered on an ongoing basis to all employees.
- Any employees who attend these trainings will be in regular paid status.
Institutions Coalition
Article 90.2A – Work Schedules (OYA Youth Correctional Facilities and Camps)
- Bidding for vacant shifts starts at the facility or camp first for Cooks, Office Coordinators and Institutional Registered Nurses, then through transfer, then through the Layoff list or secondary recall list.
- GLCs can use seniority-based bidding on shifts after 6 months and after two years can bid facility wide.
- Once a successful facility wide bid happens, GLCs are restricted from bidding facility wide for 1 year. They are also restricted from bidding on the unit for 6 months.
- Employees can do shift trades within the monthly pay period.
- Facilities with under 50 beds may elect to designate their facility as a unit for the purposes of this article.
Article 90.2C – Work Schedules (OSH)
- Based on operational need, all employees can combine one paid 15 minute break with their unpaid 30 minute lunch break.
- Accommodation must be requested at the beginning of the shift.
Article 121.2C,H – Education, Training and Development (OSH and Pendleton Cottage)
- Pharmacy Technicians will be allowed paid time to complete up to 20 hours of continuing pharmacy education hours for each two-year license renewal cycle.
- Education will happen on-site with pre-approval from management on scheduling.
- Will not result in OT.
New 45.2H – Filling of Vacancies (Pendleton Cottage)
- Defines seniority as in house followed by state for voluntary transfers.
- Establishes in house promotion list.
- Sets guidelines for vacancy postings for transfers within classification.
Letter of Agreement – Overtime Selection: MHT, CNA &LPN Volunteers (OSH)
- Changes overtime bidding process from twice a month to once a month.
- Changes the bidding period to the 1st -5th of the preceding month.
- Notification date moved from the 23rd to the 15th of the preceding month.
- Changes the salary range from 20S to 27 for voluntary overtime shifts.
- Call out window to cancel voluntary OT moved form 6 hours to 4.
Letter of Agreement – Filling of Vacancies
- Added Transporting Mental Health Aide, Activities Coordinators, Office Specialist 2 working on units to the pre-bid system.
- MHT2 and MHTC are considered equal and can lateral.
- MHSTs and Transporting Mental Health Aide are considered equal and can lateral.
New Letter of Agreement – Investigations, Discipline, and Discharge (Institutions Coalition)
- Members and stewards can view any video that is being used to discipline or discharge represented workers.
New Letter of Agreement – Differential Pay – Leadworker (OSH)
- Leadwork will be open and competitive in your work unit.
- Seven days notice will be given of the leadwork assignment, including a description of the leadworker duties, application process, and required submission.
- Workers not chosen for leadwork can ask for a written explanation why.
- Workers in trial service are not eligible.
New Letter of Agreement – Article 26 – Differential Pay
- MHTs, CNAs, LPNs and MHSTs who are selected and notified in writing to facilitate Institutional training will receive 5% above their current pay for the hours spent obtaining required certification/recertification and while conducting the training.
New Letter of Agreement – Job Protection for On-The-Job Illness or Injury
- If you are physically assaulted during the course of any shift and unable to complete your shift, you will get paid for the remainder of the shift.
- You can use any earned leave for up to 3 days after the physical assault.
New Letter of Agreement – Education, Training and Development Computer Access (OSH, Pendleton Cottage and OYA)
- Agencies agree to provide at least 15 minutes per day other than rest periods for workers to have computer access during their shift.
Letter of Agreement – 58.2C – Holidays (OSH)
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Behavior Health Specialists (OYA)
- This LOA will sunset.
ODOT Coalition
Article 10.3 – Union Rights (ALL)
- All: Expands ability for any employee designated by the Union to conduct new employee orientations.
Article 32.3 – Overtime (ALL)
- ODOT: Agency will keep a twelve-month record of OT and make available upon request.
- ODOT and OPRD: Accrued comp time above 80 hours as of Oct 31st will be cashed out and paid on December payroll.
- ODFW: Moves LOA 32.3E – Overtime into body of the contract. Clarifies fixed and alternate schedule OT, and flexible schedule OT
Article 40.3 – Work Schedule Premium Pay (ALL)
- ODOT: Adds language for minimum of two hours pay at appropriate rate when scheduled for meetings or other work outside of employee’s regular schedule after 40 hours.
Article 58.3 – Holiday Scheduling (ALL)
- ODOT: Minimum two hours at OT if employee is called back on their recognized holiday.
Article 60.3C – Leaves of Absence with Pay (ODF)
- Added Incident Management Rest language and clarified Rest and Recovery, which brings them in line with ODF Policy
Article 70.3A – Geographic Area for Layoff (DMV)
- Clarifies “DMV Headquarters” in subsection (a)(1).
- Changes bumping language from cities to regions.
- Combines Mt Hood and Sunset regions for purposes of bumping.
Article 90.3A – Work Schedules (ODOT/DMV)
- ODOT: Adds language to permit Motor Carrier Officers and Dispatch to be scheduled without a lunch when a business need exists.
- Deletes Operators at Transportation Operations Centers and adds Dispatch to Section 5, Rest Periods
Article 122.3A,B Uniforms, Protective Clothing and Tools (ODOT and OPRD)
- Amended confusing biennium language with simple 24- month reimbursement schedule (BOTH)
- Increase boot allowance to $250 for permanent full-time employees and add “repair” (BOTH).
- Seasonal workers working at least six months will receive full boot allowance every 24 months (ODOT).
- Increase gear allowance for permanent full-time workers to $300 and include prescription safety glasses (ODOT).
- Seasonal workers who have completed Trial Service and are assigned to perform tasks which require safety boots will be eligible for full boot allowance (OPRD).
- Incorporates LOA on Boot Maintenance into the body of the contract
Article 122.3C – Uniforms, Protective Clothing, and Tools (ODF)
- Increase boot allowance to $250 for permanent full-time employees and $125 for Seasonal employees
Article 122.3E – Uniforms and Protective Clothing (ODFW)
- Added positions to eligibility list: Program Analyst 3, Construction Project Mgr 1, Training & Dev Specialist 1 and 2, Construction Inspector, District Vet, Fish & Wildlife Technical Coordinator, Natural Resource Specialist 5
- Increase allowance to $100 (up from $75) for workers employed for less than nine months and include permanent, LD, and seasonal workers in trial service.
Article 132.3B – Criminal Background Checks (OPRD)
- Commissioned and recertified Park Rangers shall have a criminal background check upon commission, recertification, and every 24 months thereafter.
NEW Letter of Agreement Article 10.3 – Union Rights (ALL)
- All: In addition to steward allocations in Article 10.3, allows for multiple stewards in all worksites, not to exceed 20% of permanent workforce of that worksite
Letter of Agreement – Article 10.3A,B,E-18-316 Union Stewards (DMV)
- DMV: Continues LOA to allow for up to two union stewards in DMV offices.
NEW Letter of Agreement – Article 40.3 – Work Schedule Premium Pay (ODOT/OPRD)
- ODOT and OPRD: Minimum two hours of OT for work on an employee’s regular day off. Does not apply when schedule changes or with flexible schedules.
New Letter of Agreement – Article 40.3 – Safety Show Up Compensation (ODOT)
- ODOT: Establishes a Labor-Management Committee to address this issue.
New Letter of Agreement – Article 40.3 – Call Back Clarification (ODOT)
- Clarifies Call Back as applying when employee has left work premises.
- Clarifies two hours of OT if Called Back and subsequently cancelled, even if employee has not left home yet.
- Call Back does not apply if employee is onsite before shift start and asked/directed to start early. Employee will be compensated at appropriate rate per other provisions of the contract.
New Letter of Agreement – Article 60.3C – Leaves of Absence with Pay (ODF)
- Creates a committee to develop a proposed revision of the Standard Assignment Policy
New Letter of Agreement – Article 90.3A – Work Schedules (DMV)
- DMV: Establishes a Labor-Management subcommittee to discuss operational needs for duties of opening and closing shifts with goal of resolution and policy implementation by September 30th, 2020.
Letter of Agreement – 90.3E – Work Schedules (ODFW)
- Continue LOA for Ocean Salmon and Columbia River Program
New Letter of Agreement 122.3C – Uniforms, Protective Clothing, and Tools (ODF)
- Creates a committee to develop a report of recommendations for a centralized ordering system, preferred vendors and appropriate uniform items.
New Letter of Agreement – CDL Differential (ODFW)
- $100 reimbursement for CDL exam fees and renewal for employees required to hold a CDL
LOA Work Capacity Testing (ODF)
- Continues LOA through term of agreement
- Increase reimbursement for medical certifications to $75
- Creates a path for job protection or layoff for strikeable employees who are unable to pass the pack test.
Letter of Agreement – Parks Volunteers (OPRD)
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Intent – Park Hosts (OPRD)
- This LOI will sunset
Letter of Intent – ODFW CDL Email Notification (ODFW)
- This LOI will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Differential Pay, Facility Energy Tech 2 and Facility Maintenance Specialist (ODFW)
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Employee Recognition Program (ODFW)
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Criminal Background Checks (DMV/ODOT)
- This LOA will sunset.
Specials Coalition
Article 10.5 – Union Rights (ED, Boards)
- Maintains 12 Education Stewards and Secures 2 board of Nursing Steward from LOA into the contract.
Article 45.5 Filling of Vacancies (all agencies)
- Updates language from “open Competitive Opportunities” to Internal and/ or External Job announcements.”
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position shall participate in the interview process and be given full consideration.
- Secures language that allows any employees who are not selected for a vacancy to receive feedback from the hiring authority about their non-selection and opportunities for improvement.
Article 45.5 A,Y Filling of Vacancies (ED,OSD,HECC)
- Secures language that requires management to email all open job announcements to employees with a description that includes job duties, minimum and any special qualifications for the position.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
- Updates language for transfer process to indicate that all employees wishing to transfer shall apply through the open job announcements.
Article 45.5 B,X Filling of Vacancies (WR, OWEB)
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered prior to using the list of other state employees or external applicants.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 45.5C Filling of Vacancies (Library)
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
- Updates language for transfer process to indicate that all employees wishing to transfer shall apply through the open job announcements
Article 45.5 D Filling of Vacancies (Treasury)
- Updates language indicating that all employees who apply and meet the minimum and special qualifications seniority will be considered.
- Updates language indicating that all employees interested in promotional opportunities, new positions and vacancies shall apply through the open job announcements
Article 45.5E Filling of Vacancies (DAS)
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position shall participate in the interview process and be given full consideration.
- Updates locations management is required to post vacancies and opportunities for promotion to building specific bulletin boards.
Article 45.5F Filling of Vacancies (Commission for the Blind)
- Updates language indicating that all employees interested in promotional opportunities, new positions and vacancies shall apply through the open job announcements.
- Updates language for notification of involuntary transfers to be given within 10 business days instead of 10 working days.
Article 45.5G Filling of Vacancies (PERS)
- Updates language for transfer process to indicate that all employees wishing to transfer shall apply through the open job announcements.
- Secures language requiring management to post all open job announcements to the agency’s intranet.
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 45.5 H Filling of Vacancies (DOJ)
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 45.5 I Filling of Vacancies (OHCS)
- Secures language indication that the “agency advocated to promote or transfer employees and will announce all opportunities by email.”
- Updates language indicating all employees must apply through the open job announcement.
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered prior to using the list of other state employees or external applicants.
Article 45.5N Filling of Vacancies (DOR)
- Updates language indicating all employees must apply through the open job announcement.
- Secures language requiring management to send the list of openings by email in addition to posting on the bulletin board outside human resources.
- Maintains the Agency requirement to keep a list of transfers based on an economic hardship and give these employees first consideration when filling a vacancies.
Article 45.5R Filling of Vacancies (AG)
- Secures language indicating that all positions to be filled shall be announced through the open job announcements and will be posted on designated bulletin boards in the district offices and emailed out to staff.
- Updates language indicating all employees must apply through the open job announcement.
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
Article 45.5S Filling of Vacancies (BOLI)
- Removes the BOLI agency specific language. The agency shall now follow article 45.5.
Article 45.5T Filling of Vacancies (VETs)
- Updates language indicating all employees must apply through the open job announcement.
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 45.5Q,V Filling of Vacancies (DCBS,WCB)
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for the position shall be given the first opportunity to interview and be considered.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 45.5 W Filling of Vacancies (Boards)
- Updates language indicating all employees must apply through the open job announcement.
- Secures language that all employees who apply for a vacancy and who meet the minimum and special qualifications for a given position will be interviewed and considered.
- Removes requirement for management to keep a transfer list.
Article 70.5 A Geographical Area for Layoff (Ed, OSD)
- Secures language expanding the defined area for geographical layoff to “all Oregon work locations”
Article 70.5H Geographical Area for Layoff (DOJ)
- Updates language for geographical are for layoff to align with current office locations.
Article 90.5 Work Schedules (coalition language but sections broken down by agency)
- Made housekeeping changes that separated out the agency sections into their own agency articles designated by their respective letters.
- Secures Board of Nursing Language for work schedules into the contract.
Article 106.5 A Labor Management Committee (ODE)
- Establishes agency specific article for Education/OSD Labor Managements Committees which allows for joint sub committees to be established and not arbitrarily denied upon request.
Article 122.5 Uniforms, Protective Clothing (all agencies)
- Secures protective clothing to include boots and eliminated the need for authorization by the supervisor.
- Increases tool allowance for Journey Level Employees in the DAS Motor Pools from $650.00 to $1000.00 per biennium.
- Increases tool allowance for Mechanic 1 Employees in the DAS Motor Pools from $550.00 to $650.00 per biennium.
Article 122.5F Uniforms, Protective Clothing (Commission for the Blind)
- Establishes agency specific Uniforms, Protective Clothing article for Commission for the Blind requiring the agency to provide protective clothing. Including but not limited to boots, gloves, and rain gear for employees exposed to elements in their work.
Article 122.5 Q,V Uniforms, Protective Clothing (DCBS,WCB)
- Secures protective clothing to include boots and eliminated the need for authorization by the supervisor.
Letter of Agreement – Employee Service Recognition Plan DCBS
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Employee Service Recognition Plan Boards
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Coaching Pay Rates
- Streamlines the structure of pay to be more equitable due to same level of responsibility and Increased pay for all extracurricular positions.
Letter of Agreement – Task Force for Development of Salary Payment options for academic year employees
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Posting of Vacancies
- This LOA will sunset.
Letter of Agreement – Work Schedules (DAS)
- Housekeeping changes to reflect new article 90.5
Letter of Agreement – Education, Training & Development – ASLPI)
- Eliminates language that no longer applies, maintains agency will pay for any subsequent retesting.
New Letter of Agreement (PERS) Internet Usage
- Establishes commitment to work collaboratively to resolve issues with current policy.
- Secures commitment to make policy recommendations to agency director by 3/2020
New Letter of Agreement – (WR) Internet Usage
- Establishes commitment to work collaboratively to resolve issues with current policy.
- Secures commitment to make policy recommendations to agency director by 3/2020.
New Letter of Agreement – (DOR) Criminal Background Check Record Keeping
- Establishes commitment to work collaboratively to resolve issues with current policy and record keeping of criminal background checks.
- Secures commitment to make policy recommendations to agency director by 4/15/2020.