Published: January 21, 2023

There are so many ways to show your union pride and spread the word! Below you will find several digital tools to use on social media and Zoom to virtually “purple up.” Follow us, and when you post Union-related content, be sure to tag us and/or use the hashtag #seiu503

Instagram: @seiu503
TikTok: @seiulocal503
Twitter: @seiulocal503

Questions/ideas? Email us at

Spread the word

Tell the world over social media that you are an essential part of Oregon, and that your work matters! Make sure to tag us, use our hashtag #seiu503 and set your post to public so other union members can see your message. Examples of other member posts below. (TBD)


Take a Selfie!

Let’s get purple with it! Send us your purple selfies, the more purple, the better! Email them to and include the following:

  • Your name
  • A statement about being a union member. Example: “I’m a union member because I care about my fellow workers.” “I stand in solidarity with workers.” etc.

OR  post your selfie on your own social media, tag us @seiu503, and use the hashtag #seiu503


Virtual Meeting Backgrounds

We’ve all been in a lot more zoom meetings, google hangouts, skypes, or other virtual meeting software. That doesn’t mean you can’t show your union pride and rep the bargaining campaign just like you can in person. Click either of the images below to go to the full-sized version, then right-click on desktop or hold on mobile to download.






You can learn more about how to add a virtual background on Zoom by going here, Teams by going here, or Google Meet by going here.