Important Action Needed – New Ameriflex Cards Being Issued
Ameriflex is issuing all care providers new Benefit Convenience Cards on July 12, 2022. Ameriflex recently transitioned to a new card processing vendor and throughout the year they have been transitioning their accounts to the new card platform. Our account is one of the last ones to make the transition. This change should provide a better user experience, faster card delivery times and stronger protection against production delays in the event of national emergencies and inclement weather.
The old card will be deactivated by Ameriflex on 8/18/2022. The new card will arrive in an unmarked white envelope, activated and ready to use. Care providers who are on a Marketplace plan will have to update their autopay for monthly premiums, mail order prescriptions or any other recurring charges prior to Aug. 18. The majority, if not all, of our premium payments occur before the 18th of the month. This should allow an additional two weeks of transition time before September premiums are due.
If anyone has an issue with their card, they should call Ameriflex at 1-888-868-3539.
Refresher Training Deadline was June 30th. Here’s what to do if you haven’t finished training:
The state-required homecare refresher training deadline has passed. However, even if you have not finished your training, you can continue to provide care and support for your consumer. Sometime this month or in August you will receive notice from the State that there will be a process for termination. If you have finished your training by the time you receive this notice from the State, your termination will be revoked. If you are in process, continue to finish your training. You DO need to continue to finish the training in order to keep your provider number because of a state law passed in 2019. Visit for more information.
Nominations for SEIU 503 Union Elections are Now Open!
Nominations for Statewide Officers (SWO) and the Board of Directors (BOD) for SEIU 503 are open until August 5th, 2022.
We encourage members to become active in your Union! You are what gives our Union power and the strength to win good contracts for the 72,000 workers across Oregon who are part of SEIU 503.
You may nominate any member or yourself. To run for office or vote, you must be an eligible member under the Union’s Bylaws by the time nominations close on August 5th. Read more.
Going UP, UP, UP: Oregon’s Minimum Wage Rises
As of July 1st, Oregon’s minimum wage is up for workers across the state, with increases depending on where people live. For nonurban counties, the wage is up 50 cents to $12.50; for Jackson and Josephine Counties, up 75 cents to $13.50 and from $14 to $14.75 in the Portland metro area.
These wage increases are the sixth in six years, thanks to the hard-fought efforts of unions – such as SEIU 503 and our partners – in Oregon who know workers deserve to earn more for their labor. This is not where the wage hikes end, however; beginning next year, Oregon minimum wage rates will be indexed to inflation based on the national Consumer Price Index.
It’s July 8th: Do You Know if Your Voter Registration is Current?
The general election is Tuesday, November 8th. While that seems like a long way away, we are all so busy with work, our families and other commitments that we sometimes forget to check important things until the last minute, such as “Did I remember to pay the electric bill?” “I forgot to get milk at the store!” or “Is my voter registration current?”
Since ballots are sent by mail, it’s important to check that your mailing address is current and that your party affiliation reflects what you want by clicking here.
And if you recently became eligible to vote, you can register online easily at this link.
The deadline to register for the November election is Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Let’s all be ballot ready to elect union-friendly candidates into office this fall!
SEIU 503 Member Featured in Climate, Jobs, Justice Newsletter
SEIU 503 Climate Justice Committee Co-Chair Lois Yoshishige was featured in the latest edition of SEIU’s Climate Jobs, Justice newsletter. Lois’s blog post reflecting on April’s international Climate, Jobs, Justice summit was shared with SEIU members across the globe. Click here to read about Lois’s experience as well as learn more about climate justice work being done by SEIU members across our union.