Published: January 9, 2023

State Makes Some Movement on Language Justice, Hours Cap

We resumed meeting with State Management this week and were cautiously optimistic that they are finally starting to listen to our demands, thanks to you sending emails, attending our Speak Outs and sending a message loud and clear that homecare workers deserve better!  

The biggest news: we came to a tentative agreement on language justice! The state has agreed to begin collecting demographic data on our workers and make efforts to communicate with us in our preferred languages.

Management is also beginning to make movement on hours, proposing a cap of 50 hours per week. It’s not where we want to be, and we all know 50 hours is not enough. There are thousands of consumers in need and lifting the cap will enable workers to provide care for them.

We put a strong economic proposal across the table to get workers closer to a living wage and continue to work on a pay scale that will reward longevity and ensure workers are paid fairly and equitably.

Stay up to date and catch up on bargaining news you may have missed by visiting our SEIU Homecare Bargaining web page.