In September, SEIU 503 filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) with the Employment Relations Board (ERB) for Marion County refusing to bargain with us over the forced return to in-person work. This decision was a mandatory subject of bargaining and our goal was to ensure that this transition was not rushed and that workers were safe.
The hearing in October, where both sides presented their case. We’re happy to announce that on Friday, October 29th we got a ruling from the Employment Relations Board that sided with us and declared that the County acted unlawfully when it unilaterally returned to in-person work. As a part of the decision, Marion County must transmit a notice to all employees over email and post in offices stating that it committed an Unfair Labor Practice. Additionally, the County must bargain with SEIU 503 over a resolution for the next 30 days. If no resolution can be met, both parties will submit final proposals to ERB by day 35 and ERB will decide the final resolution. This resolution will be about the safety of our represented workers during the pandemic and what a make-whole remedy for the County’s unlawful behavior looks like.
This is a big win for workers in Marion County who have struggled to have their concerns heard and addressed, and have felt everything but protected since the pandemic began.