Any SEIU 503 active or semi-active member in good standing may run for Statewide Office, Director or Assistant Director and any SEIU 503 active, semi-active, or staff member in good standing may run for Executive Director.
SEIU 503 Statewide Officers and Board of Directors: Statewide Officers, Directors & Assistant Director Seats (See Article XI and Article XIII of Bylaws and Appendix 1)
Directors and Assistant Directors are elected in the following numbers to employment sectors and regions listed below. Statewide Officers are elected statewide.
- One member employed by Oregon University System/Higher Education;
- One member employed by an agency in the Human Services Coalition of DAS;
- One member employed by an agency in the ODOT Coalition of DAS;
- One member employed by an agency in the Specials Coalition of DAS;
- One member employed by an agency in the Institutions Coalition of DAS;
- One member employed by a local government;
- One member employed by a private non-profit agency;
- One member in the Client Employed Provider program or a private home care agency[1];
- One member employed by a nursing home;
- One member employed as a child care provider;
- One member employed as an adult foster home provider;
- Three members who work in Region 1/Central Valley: Marion & Polk Counties;
- Two members who work in Region 2/South Valley: Benton, Lane, Lincoln & Linn Counties;
- One member who works in Region 3/Southwest Oregon: Coos, Curry, Douglas & Josephine Counties;
- One member who works in Region 4/Southern Oregon: Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Harney, Malheur and Payette (ID) Counties;
- One member who works in Region 5/Eastern & Central Oregon: Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Hood River, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco & Wheeler Counties;
- Three members who work in Region 6/Multnomah & Clackamas Counties Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia, Clark & Cowlitz (WA) Counties;
- One member who works in Region 7/Northwest Oregon: Clatsop, Tillamook, Washington & Yamhill Counties
- The Statewide President of SEIU Local 503, OPEU;
- The Statewide Vice Presidents of SEIU Local 503, OPEU;
- The Statewide Secretary of SEIU Local 503, OPEU
- The Statewide Treasurer of SEIU Local 503, OPEU;
- The Executive Director of SEIU Local 503, OPEU; and
- The President of the Retirees’ Local of SEIU Local 503, OPEU. (Elected via Retirees’ Local Election)
Statewide Officers: Statewide Officers are key components of democratic trade unionism along with our Directors and Assistant Directors. Members holding these positions serve as the democratically elected executives of SEIU Local 503, OPEU. Our President, Vice Presidents [2], Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Director are elected in statewide elections held every two (2) years. The Executive Director shall maintain membership status (other than associate membership). (Bylaws Article XIII)
Board of Directors
Our elected Board of Directors oversees and makes policy decisions for our union between General Councils. Our Board includes Statewide Officers, the Retiree President, Directors and Assistant Directors. Eleven members of the Board are elected by employer group. Each major “sector” of the union (e.g. home care, higher education, local government, nursing homes, etc.) is guaranteed one seat on our Board. This structure guarantees that each employer group has at least one seat. Twelve members of the Board are elected by geographic region, so all areas of the state—rural and urban—have representation on the Board. Each Director seat has an Assistant Director, who fills in, if a Director is temporarily unavailable or assumes full responsibility if a Director resigns. In the absence of the Retiree Local’s President, the Retiree Vice President serves on the Board.
Term of Office (Bylaws Article XIII): The President can serve as the President for only two (2) consecutive two (2)-year terms or a major portion thereof in any five (5)-year period. The Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, or a Director can serve for only two (2) terms in the same role in any six (6)-year period. Officers serve two-year terms and, except for our Executive Director, are limited to two terms in the same role (e.g. two terms as Treasurer, two terms as a Director).
Successful candidates shall be installed on Friday, November 4, 2022, and serve a two-year term.
Nomination and Election Calendar for Statewide Officers and Board of Directors:
See Bylaws Article XV – Elections for more details.
- Friday, June 20, 2022: Notice of nomination and election mailed to all eligible voters and posted at
- Monday, June 27, 2022: Nominations open online at
- Friday, August 5, 2022: Nominations close.
- Tuesday, August 9, 2022: Candidate statements (400-word limit) and candidate head-and-shoulder pictures due by 5:00pm. All voter statements and photographs received on time will be posted at by August 11, 2022.
- Tuesday, August 16, 2022: Candidate statements (400-word limit) and candidate head-and-shoulder pictures of the candidate only to be sent along with ballots are due by 5:00pm to This is optional if the candidate wishes to change their previously submitted statement or photograph. If no second submission is made, any previously submitted statement and photograph shall be mailed in the voter pamphlet.
- Friday, Sept. 2, 2022: Ballots and candidate statements mailed by Ryder Elections, the independent election service provider, to all eligible voters. Candidate statements posted on in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, simplified Chinese and Russian.
- Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022: Ballots due to Ryder Elections P.O. Box in Bend, Oregon by noon.
- Sept. 22 – done (2-3 days): Ryder Elections ballot counting. Please contact by September 19, 2022, if you wish to observe, to ensure you receive timely instructions.
- SEIU 503 election certification, candidate notification and posting of results at
- Friday, Nov. 4, 2022: Successful Candidates Installation event.
Nominations, Candidate Statements and Photos See Bylaws Article XV – Elections for more details: Nominations open Monday, June 27, 2022 and close at 5:00pm the last Friday before General Council, August 5, 2022. Statewide Officer and Board of Directors nomination/candidate statements and candidate photos are due by 5:00pm on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. The candidate statement and photograph form will be emailed to candidates after their nomination is processed. Statements are limited to 400 words. Candidates may submit a head-and-shoulder photo for publication in our online Voters’ Guide.
Post-General Council: Should a candidate choose to submit an updated statement and/or photo for mailing with the ballots, candidate statements are limited to 400 words and are due to be emailed to by 5:00pm on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. (Bylaws Article XV, Section 5) Candidate head-and-shoulders photographs must include the candidate only. Photographs of more than one individual will be disqualified.
Nomination forms will be available on Monday, June 27, 2022, at
If you don’t have access to a computer, we suggest accessing a computer at your local library, at an SEIU 503 office, or using a friend’s computer. Any eligible candidate can access a computer at an SEIU 503 office during regular business hours between June 27 and August 5, 2022, for purposes of completing the nomination form, candidate statement, and submitting a photograph. If the candidate chooses to submit a second (different) candidate statement to be mailed with the ballots, they can access SEIU computers through August 16, 2022. Please call your office before arriving to ensure availability. Contact information is available at our website: If you have questions or need to access a paper form, please call: 1-844-503-SEIU (7348).
Statewide Officer Duties and Responsibilities:
See Bylaws Articles XIII Statewide Officers & XIV Duties of Statewide Officers for more detail.
President: Chief spokesperson for our union • Presides at all meetings of General Council, the Board and Executive Committee • Sets the Board meeting agenda and acts as the Board administrator • Coordinates the activities of the Directors and Assistant Directors • Appoints and, for cause, dissolves all Special Committees/members subject to Board approval • Serves as a non-voting ex-officio member of all Standing and Special Committees • Renders a report of his/her administration with recommendations, as he/she deems advisable to General Council • Attends and represents our union at all appropriate national and regional meetings • Serves as delegate to the SEIU Convention • Represents SEIU Local 503, OPEU on the SEIU Oregon State Council • Chairs our union’s Grievance Appeals Committee • Maintains an internal and external communications program throughout the union in conjunction with the Executive Director • Represents SEIU Local 503, OPEU at the Legislature and in ballot measure campaigns in conjunction with the Executive Director and political staff • Ceases, on election, to hold any office which until then he/she may have held in his/her sub-local • Shall receive no salary other than salary provided by SEIU Local 503, OPEU or an employer whose employees are represented by SEIU Local 503, OPEU • Shall serve on an up to full-time basis during the term of office.
Vice Presidents: In the absence of or upon request of the President, perform the duties of the President • Upon appointment by the Board of Directors, replace the President for the unexpired term in the event of the death, incapacity, resignation, or removal of the President • Serve as the chairperson of a minimum of one committee to which the Vice President is appropriately assigned or appointed, as a member of the Executive Committee and as a member of the Union Finance Committee and on such other committees to which a Vice President is appropriately assigned or appointed • Serve as a delegate to the SEIU International Convention.
Secretary: Keeps a record of the meetings of the General Council, Board of Directors and Executive Committee • Custodian of the records of the union • Serve as a member of the Union Finance Committee and a member of the Executive Committee • Coordinate and keep current a list of policies and procedures of the Union • Serve on such committees as designated by these Bylaws and to which the Secretary is appointed by the President • Serve as a delegate to the SEIU Convention • Sign affiliation agreements, General Council delegate credentials, certified election tallies, certify or make public various election results, notify Locals of failure to file governing documents and perform functions set out in Disciplinary Process Trial and Appeals.
Treasurer: Chairperson of our union Finance Committee and a member of the Executive Committee • Responsible for the oversight of the Union’s finances and investments • Collects the monies and keeps the accounts and books of the union and renders a statement after certified audits of the accounts and books of the financial condition of the union to General Council and as requested by the Board of Directors • Approve the holding of Local financial records • Responsible to the Board for annual review of the fiscal operation of our union and sub-locals • Serves as a delegate to the SEIU Convention.
Executive Director: Serves as the chief administrative officer of the union and is responsible for carrying out the policies of the union as established by the SEIU LOCAL 503, OPEU Board of Directors, including oversight of programs and employment of staff for collective bargaining, grievances and unfair labor practices, internal and external organizing, politics and benefits as well as overall administrative support, including financial and clerical programs • Supervises the daily activities of the union, including employment and supervision of staff, expenditure of union funds, consistent with the Bylaws and the policies and procedures of the union as determined by the Board of Directors, subject to the financial ability of the union to pay • Prepares annual budget • Serves or designates someone to serve as a member of our union’s negotiating teams • Oversees other daily activity of our union such as organizing, contract administration, political activity, research, legal affairs, and member leadership development • Oversees program and policy development • Maintains an internal and external communications program throughout the union in conjunction with the President • Represents the union throughout the community, within our International Union and in coalitions, and with the media, in conjunction with the President who serves as chief spokesperson • In conjunction with the Secretary and the Treasurer, maintains financial and other records and monitors fiscal health of the union.
Director and Assistant Director Responsibilities (see Bylaws Article XI for more detail):
Directors: Serves on the Board of Directors and on committees of the Board • Each Director is administrator for one of our union’s 23 sectors and regions • Communicates with members • Coordinates union campaigns in their area, and actively participates in campaigns approved and endorsed by the Board of Directors • Whenever possible, participates in phone banking, canvassing, gathering petitions and signatures, and takes part in worksite campaigns • Serves as one of the Board’s delegates to General Council • Serves as a communication link between the Board of Directors and the membership to the General Council • Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors.
Assistant Directors: Assists the Directors in the administration of one of our union’s 23 sectors and regions • Serves as alternate member on our union’s Board of Directors • Attends all meetings of the Board • Assists Directors with their responsibilities, as assigned by Directors • Serves in the absence of the Director(s), as requested • Performs all duties assigned by the Local 503 Bylaws • Chairs and serves on sector/regional committees as assigned • Serves as delegate to General Council • Upon appointment by the Board, succeeds to the office of Director.
[1] A member in the Client Employed Provider program or a private home care agency refers to a Home Care Worker or Personal Support Worker.
[2] The SEIU Local 503 Statewide Officers include two Vice President positions: A Vice President employed in a public employer work sector listed in Appendix 1 and a Vice President who is employed in any other sector listed in Appendix 1, including Client Employed Provider (See SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article XIII, Section 1).