Published: June 12, 2019

Thanks to the tireless efforts of workers like all of us, SEIU 503 has been able to negotiate with the State of Oregon for more equitable compensation for homecare and personal support workers. Since the creation of the Oregon Homecare Workers Benefit Trust and Supplemental Trust in 2013, tens of thousands of caregivers all across Oregon have gained access to new benefits, including Medical Premium and Out-of-Pocket Expense Assistance, Dental, Vision, Employee Assistance Program, and, last but not least, Paid Time Off (PTO) benefits.

Paid Time Off benefits are designed to be used in connection with a caregiver taking time off from their regularly scheduled hours with a consumer. This year, over 20,000 homecare and personal support workers may have the opportunity to receive Paid Time Off benefits from the Oregon Homecare Workers Benefit Trust.


If you worked more than 80 hours in March, April or May, you may be eligible for 20 hours of Paid Time Off benefits on July 1st.

You must submit a W-9 form to the Trust Administrative Office. You only need to submit this form once, and you can do it securely online on the Trusts’ website. As long as the Benefit Trust has your W-9 on file, your Paid Time Off benefits will be automatically paid out to you in February of the year following the year in which the benefit was earned, unless you apply to receive them sooner.

Whenever you wish to receive payment of the Paid Time Off benefits you have earned, just complete and submit the Benefit Request Form. You can do this online on the Trusts’ website.  

Please watch your mail for a notice from the Trusts about these benefits and how to qualify for them.

Want to know more?

Visit the new Paid Time Off page on the Trusts’ website which has an overview, frequently asked questions, resources such as links to forms like the W-9 and Benefit Request Form, and guides to fill paperwork.