Published: November 8, 2023

Upcoming Meetings & Strike Pledge

The past week has been an incredible show of solidarity for the safe, sustainable and equitable working and learning conditions we all deserve. Together we can build on this momentum to win a fair contract by signing our Strike Pledge (if you haven’t already) and by staying up to date by bookmarking the SEIU webpage for PPS workers.

Join the Bargaining campaign activist meeting tonight, 11/8 at 7pm as we plan our next move, together. We’ll talk about what it will take to reach a 75% majority signatures on our Strike Pledge, and what else we can do to really move the needle in our negotiations with the district.

Bargaining Campaign Activist Meeting
7pm, Wednesday, November 8
Zoom Link
Meeting Meeting ID: 872 7549 5405
Passcode: 625530
One tap mobile +12532158782,,87275495405#

Join us for our Membership meeting this Saturday Nov 11th at Noon! Connect with your coworkers, get the latest bargaining campaign updates and talk about next steps to win a fair contract. Join in person at 525 NE Oregon St. or by Zoom.

Membership Meeting
12pm, Saturday, November 11
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 883 9819 5941
Passcode: 687521
Phone- 253 215 8782

Let’s show our support for PAT! Purple up and show your solidarity with the Teachers on strike. Take a selfie and send it to or post it to the PPS SEIU workers FB group.

In Solidarity,
Your Local 140 Bargaining Team