Published: December 8, 2022

Earlier this week, PPS workers gathered to rally at PPS Headquarters to deliver a petition demanding that PPS provide paid leave to workers with COVID-19, who have been forced to drain their own vacation and sick leave because PPS stopped allowing workers out sick with COVID to use COVID leave.

What workers didn’t expect was to be denied entry to the building they work in! PPS refused to let workers into the building to present their petition to HR and ask them to set a date to bargain.

Ironically, at the same time, PPS administration sent an email to parents saying: “The health and well-being of our students is extremely important to us. We are keeping close track of the trends in our state and on the local level. PPS will continue to take all the steps necessary to maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff in the coming months.” 

Check out the video of a PPS worker who has been affected by this policy.