Published: January 26, 2021

Meet your 2021 bargaining team

SEIU 503 is a member-run union. Members elect a bargaining team of their peers every two years. With legal, negotiation and logistical support from union staff, your bargaining team fights to make sure your priorities are reflected in the final contract.

Antwon IrvingHSDepartment of Human Services
Anastasia GodseyAnastasia GodseyHSDepartment of Human Services
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.Doug DrydenInstOREGON YOUTH AUTHORITY
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.Katherine GileODOTDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
A smiling headshot portrait of SEIU member leader Mike ScottMike ScottODOTDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.Tami CombsSpecialsDEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
Mary StewartMary Stewart (Co-chair)SpecialsDEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
Keary DeBeckKeary DeBeck (Co-chair)SpecialsDEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.Heather BlankenheimCentralSEIU 503
A generic head-and-shoulders white icon on a purple background.Molly MaloneCentralSEIU 503
Mike PowersMike PowersCentralSEIU 503