Right now, the PTC Project Team is continuing design of the DCI EVV Solution, which will replace paper vouchers in late summer of 2021.
Home Care Workers and Personal Care Attendants: Please take a moment to update your contact information with the OHCC Registry and your local AAA/APD office to ensure you receive critical PTC updates.
Consumers (If you receive in-home services from a Provider): Please take a moment to update your contact information with your local AAA/APD office to ensure you can also receive critical PTC updates.
Check out the PTC Monthly Video Series. Videos will be posted to ODHS YouTube channel on the Provider Time Capture playlist.
The PTC Training Task Force has begun group sessions this month to plan the approaches, content and materials for training.
The project is also creating a PTC Implementation Task Force, which will focus on improving planning efforts, support materials, communications and more.
For more information, including FAQs, visit the PTC website at PTC.Oregon.gov.
If you have questions or feedback, please email the PTC Project team at PTCProject.Info@dhsoha.state.or.us.