Published: August 22, 2023

We’re excited to announce that State members have voted to ratify the 2023-2025 State Worker Tentative Agreement.

This contract is historic, with a minimum 13.05% raise over two years, and $1,500 one-time cost of living adjustment (COLA). Additionally, this contract also garnered the highest voter participation on record and passed with more than 91% voting in favor of ratification.

Member involvement in the contract campaign and in the ratification process was essential to securing a strong new contract for yourself and your fellow workers. Thanks to you, the union ratification process is complete. For a recap on what you’ve won, read the highlights below, or the full summary here.

NEW Contract Highlights: 

  • September 1st: A one-time COLA of $1,500, included in your paycheck. 
  • December 1st, 2023: A COLA of 6.5% 
  • January or February, 2025: A COLA of 6.55%. 
  • Step increases for both years of the contract.