Bernardo Tuma

Vice President SEIU 503 Sub-Local 581, representing state employees at Oregon Department of Education, union steward, membership since February 2016. Active participation in GC workgroups for Economical Justice, and Equity and Inclusion. Previous collaboration with Tacoma Fire Union IAFF Local 31, and Tacoma Carpenters Union Local 470. This pandemic has made it clear that our economy is fragile and out of balance,. Now more than ever it is as clear as water that workers need and deserve healthcare for all, minimum livable wages, and the right to organize and join a union. America’s prosperity has been built on the labor of low wage earners for the benefit corporations and the wealthiest people on earth, this pandemic should be the catalyst to create changes that protect the workers’ wellbeing in an equitable manner. We’ll get through this together: that is what we do as Americans, but this time we need to keep marching on together organizing workers and electing officials that share our values for workers welfare..