Renee Watson

Florence Renee Watson-Taylor REGION 6 DIRECTOR 3 “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” We live in a nation that was founded on racism and we must work tirelessly to eradicate this sickness. I am passionate, and motivated to advance change as I am challenged to be a voice for those who have not yet found their voice including the disenfranchised, Blacks and other people of color, women, the LGBTQ community. Consistently, I seek ways to improve myself as I am redefining who I am and my purpose in the role of speaking out and speaking up. Without a seat at the table, our allowing voices to be heard, we cannot effectuate change to end this disparity. I am challenged to achieve greatness as I look to the detail and strive to bring issues around me to the table while focusing to bring forth the talent in the room to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to stay on task while meeting people where they are, learning more about their lives, finding common ground, and allowing those walking with me to feel the confidence in my a leader.  I enjoy seeing others succeed, being able to be a part of the solution and assisting in finding the answer or going in the right direction. Today I stand for my seat at the table. I pledge to lift my voice and to stand against injustice as I represent members  to level the playing field. An excellent communicator, written and orally, I bring a myriad of experience, at the top of that list is working with people of varying socio economic levels, embracing all backgrounds and ethnicities, testifying before the Oregon Legislature, Director of Statewide and local programs. Currently, a Homecare Worker, Participant, Leadership Development Program, Region 1 Director; Secretary, Women of Color Caucus; Member, AFRAM; member Regional Planning Committee; 2020; First Quarter Regional HCW/PSW Facilitator; 2020; Planning Committee, AFRAM/WOCC; The Black Lives Matter Movement, advocate/participant. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” (Dr. ML. King). Our challenge is an uphill one and only with all of us working together, can we improve the quality of life for us all.