Adam Korst

I’m proud to be seeking my second term as the local government director for SEIU 503, and am excited for the opportunity to ask for your vote. Over the past handful of years, I have served as a bargaining delegate, chief steward, council delegate, vice president, and now president of my sub-local in the City of Beaverton, while also serving my first term on the board of directors. I have also assisted in the trainings and orientations of new member leaders, helped in the training of new stewards, and have sat in on, and decided several arbitration cases. All of this has taught me the value of our collective voice. But it’s also taught me the importance of not allowing any voice to slip through the cracks; the necessity of making sure that those with different opinions be elevated as to make sure each voice is heard; that we not only encourage, but champion diversity in leadership. The next board of directors will oversee some very trying times. The economy has been ravaged, and ensuring job security, good pay, benefits, and safe working conditions are going to be a constant challenge. These issues must remain a top priority for our board. At the same time, we must not lose sight of many of the longer term goals that the current leadership has set in place, including climate awareness/justice in our actions, elevating the voices of our marginalized communities, and strengthening the overall communications, trainings, and practices of our organization. We have a lot of work to do. With your vote, I am honored to be able to be your voice on the board and honored to work for, and alongside, each of you.