Alisha Goodwin

For 2 years I have served on the SEIU 503 board as the Specials Coalition Assistant Director. My goal during the past two years has been to be present, to learn, and to lend a voice which represents workers. I am ready to take the next step by representing the Specials Coalition as the Director. In addition to my experience as the Assistant Director to the specials coalition, I have also served as sub-local 137’s (DOJ) treasurer for 3 years, and as a union steward for 4. My roles in the union have allowed me to listen and participate in many conversations with members on what direction they would like to see the union go. Through participating in the creation of SEIU 503’s 5-year strategic plan, I have learned much about how our Union impacts the workers it represents as well as workers throughout Oregon. My goal if voted to serve as Director is to take what I have learned the past 4 years and apply that knowledge to working on important issues and focusing on a budget which reflects union member’s values.