Jan Montes

I’m Jan Montes, a HomecareWorker for my mother living with Alzheimer’s. I raised 6 sons on a shoestring. I understand the plight of poverty in America with and without a union. When I found out that not only could I care for my mother and be paid (after five years of not being paid) and receive health insurance and be an SEIU member I was thrilled to become active and desired to find people like myself who didn’t realize this option existed for low-income family members. The experience I have with SEIU are continual and transformative. I believe in being transparent and speaking up for those who cannot. I like it when others have stood up for me and I intend to do the same; I’ve been receiver and giver on both sides of the aisle. If I don’t understand something I’m not afraid to ask for information. I’m also unafraid of sharing what I learn. I currently serve SEIU503’s Political Action Committee and I serve as one of our three Homecare Directors in Salem. I’m bilingual English/Spanish; a certified teacher; activist/volunteer, culturally aware; volunteer with SEIUPAC, FamilyForward/MotherPAC, supported campaigns in Oregon like PaidFamilyMedicalLeave, HealthcareForAll, No on M105, DriversLicensesForAll, advocate and volunteer with CAUSAOregon, PCUN and PuebloUnido. I’m a certified Peer Support Specialist and a longtime advocate for people living with mental health issues. I advocate, learn, work hard, speak truth to power and strive for EQUITY. I understand in our capitalistic society many ignore those struggling and stand on the back of those less fortunate. I’m unable to participate in that. Ideas and goals for 2020 are investing in SEIU by meeting people where they are and listen intently taking their concerns and situations into account. I’m interested in locating Homecare Workers union or not and including them in our union. I’d like to assist others in understanding how SEIU works so that they can attain the level of benefit use that those of us who are active in the union enjoy. I’d like to find ways to simplify the message so that all can understand better. I’m also interested in making sure that the Latinx community is included more in 503. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that I’m interested in gaining ground in making sure that we all are safe and knowledgeable about Covid. Actions speak louder than words. I love being involved with SEIU503.