Rose Barnes

My name is Rose Barnes, Tillamook Family Coach, I recently was appointed Chair/President of the District 1 sub-local. In previous roles I have been a Union Steward, Vice-Chair, Lead, Assistant Manager and Manager. I bring a wealth of knowledge on both the Union and management sides, enabling me to collaborate with management as well as stand up and fight for fair and equal labor rights. Among my past success in my tenure as a Vice-Chair are: returning employees to work from duty station leave, earning temporary employees permanent positions and reinstating employees who were wrongfully terminated. Our district struggles with power/control, micromanagement and over-working, causing distress, unrest and burnout among staff. I am committed to tackling this crisis by proactively meeting with management regularly, actively participating in all district Labor-Management Committee activities, regularly meeting with staff and pushing for checks and balances with more management training. I have an open door policy, and I believe staff deserve to have an involved, approachable sub-local President available at all times. Working as a team we can overcome anything, enabling us to succeed at our jobs and serve Oregonians to the best of our abilities.