Holly Garland

Vote Holly Garland as Executive Director Did you join 503 because of its stance on trendy liberal social justice agendas, or because you thought 503 would get you better compensation, better working conditions and when you need help with problems at work, actual help? There is no mention of workplace safety for addition in the bylaws in the most recent General Counsel first vote being held August 2020. SEIU LOCAL 503 has failed to make sure workers have training and PPE for COVID-19 or any other viruses and infections that might come along. Were you led to believe that SEIU is non-partisan politically when most of its political contributions go to Leftist? Are you tired of seeing 503 using your dues to support politics? Does 503 spend too much time focusing on what is trending rather than on workplace issues? Do union leaders represent you or instead tell you how to vote and think? Do leaders listen to you or do they insist you listen to them? 503 pledged $50,000 of your dues to the Movement for Black Lives instead of using that money to buy PPE for members. Our Oregon is under investigation, which 503 has given millions of your dues to. How has that benefited workers in the workplace? 503 membership has been shrinking the last 2 years, leaders point to the Janus decision rather than taking responsibility. If 503 leadership really cared about this union, member word of mouth would be all the advertising 503 would need. 503 is a political action group that masquerades as a union. 503 has a large list of caucuses that divides members instead of uniting all members. Ever wonder why you are paying union dues for leadership to just give it away instead of reducing membership fees? Workers join unions because of what the union can do for them, not the other way around. Incumbent 503 leadership doesn’t believe that. Help yourself, encourage 503 members to vote in this election. Please consider stepping up to in 2022. Elections will be held in August, nominations will probably close 7/31/2022. General Counsel is held in August every two years, same years as elections. I am General Counsel and Bargaining Team Delegate as well as an officer of my sub-local union. You have a chance to take this union back and get 503 on track by voting for Holly Garland as Executive Director.