D Carter-Jafri

Fellow members nominated me Nannette “D” Carter-Jafri for the Statewide 2020-2022 VP position, because I represent innovative change and fairness.  As VP, I’ll work closely with union members in sublocals across the state: Addus (98), Adult Foster Homes (858 – AFH), Child Care Homes (96 – CC), Homecare (99), and Nursing Homes (97).  I know that unless you and I work together just being an elected statewide office holder is null and void.  You and I are intelligent and have chosen to join/remain/recruit members in this union.  Thus we can and will demand transparency and truth in leadership, while meeting our needs: strong contracts, the challenges of working through COVID-19 Pandemic, hazardous pay, living wages, language justice, social justice, economic justice, and  anti-racism in our workplaces and union. Over the years and up until today, my volunteer involvement is widespread in our local and my sub-local (Sub-Local 99 Homecare) where I’ve worked as a member leader asking, learning, sharing, informing, and helping members/non-members. I collaborate on various committees, all our Caucuses (African-American (AFRAM); Asian, Desi, & Pacific Islander (ADPI); Indigenous People’s (IP); Latinx; Lavender (LGBTQ+); and Woman of Color (WOC)), new employee orientations (NEO), lobby days with State Legislatures/  Committees, Town Halls, instructing Citizenship Classes (a SEIU & SOAR Community Outreach), CAPE, and Regional Meetings – building my, our labor union with the support of our diverse membership.  Our diversity is our strength and I standup for all members as a Woman of Color (served in US Army Reserves and 20+ years Contract Specialist). Let’s be real with each other, I can’t be effective IF YOU aren’t willing to do your part –  because we are in it together: vote, show-up, build each other up, read your contract, read our union governance documents, and do what you can to help me and hold me (and every elected office holder) accountable.  I want make promises for your vote, but I can affirm I will be your advocate, inform and support you, so you know what is going on, and how to take action. We Together Are Stronger and that is why I’m asking for your vote.  You can reach me via email: dthevolunteer@gmail.com