Rebecca Sandoval

SEIU 503 is such a strong and dynamic organization that we have been very successful in lifting up workers, and winning strong contracts. We have built, maintained, and continually grown a huge group of workers focused on building a better Oregon, not just for ourselves, but for the entire state that we serve. When circumstances threaten our ability to provide the best for our state and ourselves, we work to produce effective solutions so that we can overcome these obstacles. We have revolutionized the jobs of Careproviders across the board. Homecare and Personal Support workers have strong contracts with life altering benefits, Nursing Homes have union representation which is working hard to give them higher wages, benefits, and job protection. Adult Foster Home owners have an effective unified voice to ensure fair treatment around licensing and service payments allowing them to make a profit. Childcare providers have won steadily increasing wages, benefits, and paycheck protection. Careproviders across the spectrum have dramatically improved our lives by being a part of SEIU 503, and in many ways our work is just beginning. The Homecare Sublocal 99 has won a meaningful voice in benefits that include health insurance with vision and dental, a training program that will be both relevant and and accessible, and a Registry that will truly work for workers and consumers. As president of local 99 from 2012 to the present I have led on the creation of all of the Trusts through which these benefits are delivered. As Chair of our bargaining team for the last 5 contracts, I led on winning these Trusts, bringing our wages up to 15.77, and creating increasingly stronger contracts which now include a $20 a day penalty pay for every day that our pay is late through no fault of our own. I say this not to brag about what I personally have accomplished, because I did none of this by myself, but rather to identify the work that I have been completely dedicated to and the level of knowledge that I possess about creating all of this for all Careproviders. A level of knowledge and experience that I bring to the overarching governance of SEIU Local 503. I believe I am uniquely qualified to deliver the Careprovider perspective. I respectfully request your continued support by voting for me for Careprovider Vice President so I can continue to be the voice for Careproviders.