How do I get to the Portland Hilton Downtown?

For directions, visit our General Council page, which also gives details on how and where to park during check-in to the hotel and where to park during your stay at GC.

What types of health precautions are there on site?

We will offer rapid COVID testing prior to checking in to General Council and receiving your registration materials. Also in your materials is an additional COVID test to take once you get home. We also have face masks, hand sanitizer and face shields available to help keep you safe.

If at any time any in-person registrants feel ill, they will report it to SEIU 503 staff and leave the conference. Their registration will be changed to virtual and they may participate in the event remotely.

Where do I go if I need help with the app?

An organizer or other staff member on site can help you navigate the app and find what you need to access resolutions and other documents relevant to General Council.

How do I sign up to speak at committee meetings?

To ensure that delegates attending in person or virtually are able to participate, those who would like to speak to a resolution during the committee meeting will need to sign up digitally to do so. The sign-up sheets will be active Friday morning at 8:30 for all delegates. If you have any trouble using the app or form, please ask for assistance at the registration desk or any organizer for help.