SEIU 503 welcomes you as a member of our union. We encourage you to learn about the organizational structure of our union and think about participating in your workplace and in the larger union.
We also encourage you to engage in activities outside the governing body of SEIU.
In your local community, state and nation there is an uprising of working-class struggles. We encourage our members to work with other unions, coalitions and movements to advance civil and human rights as well as the economic issues that affect us all.
We also encourage involvement in global solidarity activities where workers are struggling around the world.
We are all protected by the same Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.
Freedom of Association: “The right of individuals to interact and organize themselves to collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.”
Freedom of Assembly: Rally, picket, and march, including the time-honored right to use civil disobedience.
Freedom of Religion, Expression, Speech. Freedom to Publish.
As a union we believe in collective action, we also believe every individual has the right to decide the issues and movements they want to build to make this a better world for all of us.