Any SEIU 503 active or semi-active member in good standing may run for Statewide Office, Director or Assistant Director and any SEIU 503 active, semi-active, or staff member in good standing may run for Executive Director.
Notice of the 2020 statewide officer election
The official notice of the 2020 statewide officer election was mailed to eligible voters on June 8. You may view it here.
Nominate yourself or another member
On June 29, 2020 a nominations form will be posted here.
Statewide officer positions
- The Statewide President
- The Statewide Vice Presidents (One from Client-Employed Providers or Other and One from Public Services)
- The Statewide Secretary
- The Statewide Treasurer
- The Statewide Immediate Past President
- The Executive Director
See SEIU 503 Bylaws for more details.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors oversees and makes policy decisions for our union between General Councils. Our Board includes Statewide Officers, the Retiree President, Retiree Vice President, Directors and Assistant Directors. Eleven (11) Directors and eleven (11) Assistant Directors are elected by sector, and twelve (12) Directors and twelve (12) Assistant Directors are elected by geographic region. See SEIU 503 Bylaws, Appendix 1 for Board sector and geographic region seat descriptions. Click here to view a map of Board geographic regions.
For a complete list of Director positions, click here.
If you don’t have access to a computer, we suggest accessing a computer at your local library, at an SEIU 503 office, or using a friend’s computer. Any eligible candidate can access a computer at SEIU 503 offices during regular office hours for purposes of completing the nomination form. In the event you are unable to access a computer, you may request a hardcopy of the nominations form by contacting your local SEIU 503 field office.
Nominations, candidate statements and photos
Initial SWO and BOD nomination, candidate statements and candidate photos are due by 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2020. Nominations, candidate statements and photos must be completed and submitted online at using the form linked in the General Information section above. Statements are limited to 400 words. Candidate photos will be published online, along with their voter guide statement, and will also be published with the voter pamphlet candidate statement that is mailed with the ballot.
Call the Member Assistance Center at 1-844-503-SEIU (7348)