To our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander siblings in our Union Family
LET US JOIN TOGETHER UNITED IN SOLIDARITY with each other as we celebrate and pay tribute to generations before us in celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Let us share, uplift voices and support each other with our history, and with our experiences:
Asian Americans: PBS documentary series
Are You “AAPI” or “Asian American”? It’s Complicated. | A People’s History of Asian America
THROUGHOUT OUR AANHPI HISTORY are stories of experiences that endured xenophobia, racism, bias, discrimination, invisibility, violence, and hate. These stories of generations past remain in the weave of common threads of experiences in our stories today. Our stories speak of our tenacity, resilience, determination, and perseverance – our strength in spirit, wisdom and, courage. Let us continue to show our enduring and resilient spirit: “NEVER GIVE UP” for Strong Voices and Representation. Our stories show Dignity, Pride and Respect in who we are, what we do – striving for fair wages, good jobs with benefits, and we care for each other. We will work for meaningful change that will feed, shelter and protect our loved ones, for safe and healthy workplaces, climate change especially impacts island communities, the air we breathe, and the quality of water in our communities. We don’t want to survive under the cloak of fear; we all want to thrive in a fair and just society, clean and safe environments not only for our present generation but for future generations.
We value opportunities to share our unique cultures and cuisines with the community. What is not new are our experiences of racism, xenophobia, hate, and bias, of “othering” and invisibility over the years, nor are we comfortable speaking of the scarring of structural and systemic invisibility experiences. Hate and violent acts have a profound impact on all of us, upon our well-being and sense of safety for ourselves and our loved ones in all our communities, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. The hate and acts of violence #StopAsianHate, uniquely experienced by Asian/Americans/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders heightens the sense of fear and vulnerability for our safety in our communities. The trauma of racism, xenophobia, hate and bias, discrimination and harassment in systemic invisibility and isolation continues to be very much part of our lived experiences.
NOTHING ABOUT US, WITHOUT US. Let us affirm our commitment to speak and show up. We are workers and care providers who provide valuable and essential services throughout Oregon. We are people with strong traditions, dignity, and pride in who we are in identity, ethnicity,
and ability, and we are proud of the diversity of the languages and dialects we speak that show the embrace of communal ties that bind the rich heritage of multilingual, multiethnic, multireligious and multicultural roots. We debunk the false narrative of the “Model Minority” myth that was constructed to cause division amongst communities of color. Together, with our siblings from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities, we will work for VOICE AND REPRESENTATION FOR CHANGE. For Worker rights. Rising Together for Opportunity and Leadership. Equality. Safety. Equitable, Inclusive, Respectful, and Healthy Workplace cultures, in the neighborhoods where we live, and in society, not only in Oregon but around the country.
LET’S JOIN IN UNITY with these themes important to our communities “ADVANCING LEADERS THROUGH OPPORTUNITY” and “WORKERS RISING TOGETHER” – in coalition and with the support of allies – AGAINST ANTI-ASIAN RACISM – the bullying, racism, harassment, and hate crimes. LET’S BRING OUR VOICES AND OUR STORIES to uplift, show care and love, and support each other. What can we do to make a meaningful difference? Especially for young girls and women. Dignity and Respect. Equal opportunity. Safety and Justice in the workplace, where we live, and in our communities. #aapihm #apihm #aapiheritagemonth #aapimonth #asianlivesmatter #stopasianhate #stopaapihate #justiceforasianwomen
Statement from the SEIU 503 ADPI Caucus