Published: May 2, 2019

The politicians at the Center for Medicaid Services in Washington, D.C. issued a new rule today specifically attacking working women who care for seniors and people with disabilities.

The rule is designed to stop homecare workers and personal support workers from choosing to have union membership dues and benefits payments deducted from their paychecks. This practice, also known as “payroll deduction,” is commonly used to pay for health insurance or contribute to a retirement plan, and is the way most union members – including teachers, police officers and firefighters – pay their union dues.

The rule would also prohibit homecare and personal support workers from participating in an automatic retirement savings program like OregonSaves. Winning an employer-funded retirement plan is one of our top priorities and this rule would block one of our best pathways.

A smiling headshot portrait of SEIU member leader Rebecca Sandoval

Rebecca Sandoval

“I don’t think any politician should decide what you can and can’t do with your money. If you choose to be part of your union, that’s your right and your choice, just like every other worker in Oregon. I’m fighting back. We have created a new membership card that protects your union membership and benefits.”  – Rebecca Sandoval, homecare worker, Medford 



This new rule is a transparent attempt to interfere with our ability to win higher wages, better training, and basic benefits like healthcare and paid sick time. These things are crucial to ensuring quality homecare for seniors and people with disabilities in Oregon.

Homecare workers are going to challenge this ruling in court. We’re hopeful that the courts will side with workers, but we need to stick together and sign the new membership card in case they rule against us.

No politicians should be able to tell a person what they can and can’t do with their money. It’s our union. Our pay. Our choice.