Published: January 31, 2018

Securing dependent care can be challenging and expensive, and often prevents members from taking part in events and opportunities provided by our Union. During January 20’s Board of Directors meeting, members of the board unanimously approved a change to our Union’s Administrative Policies & Procedures (AP&Ps) to allow members to receive up to a $30 dependent care reimbursement when on union business. This amendment allows members to join a variety of union events — lead statewide bargaining teams, attend leadership trainings, join Union conferences, take part in the Homecare Council — and be reimbursed for dependent care up to $30 per day per eligible individual.

The the new section reads as follows:

Section 12. Dependent Care. An Eligible Person as described in Section 5 of this Article (other than staff), may receive reimbursement for dependent care while they are on authorized Union business. For the purpose of this Article, a dependent is a person who lives with an eligible person and who is under the age of 18 or a person of any age whose care is the responsibility of the eligible person. The maximum reimbursement is $30 per day per eligible person. Eligible persons with a common dependent(s) are limited to one reimbursement per day per common dependent(s)…. Child care will not be reimbursed in the event that the Union is providing suitable contracted care or where payment for care of the dependent(s) is already being reimbursed by another source.

The reimbursement is applicable when SEIU 503 does not already provide dependent care for the event, which is true for the majority of 503 events.  

Dependent care has been a concern for 503 members throughout the years and we’re excited to begin providing this reimbursement option to our membership.