Published: November 13, 2017

By Ann Montague

Did you march in Salem in 1987 holding placards and signs and shouting “Hey State, Negotiate! Must We Strike? Then you were part of the infamous/glorious “Rolling Strike” so effective and so strategic that the state immediately outlawed it.

Let’s Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of our Rolling Strike. There is heightened interest in remembering our historic strike—not only from the strikers but newer members and staff who do not know its history.

President Steven Demarest took our idea to the Board of Directors who approved of our moving forward with a celebration. His idea of having it SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18 after the BOD meeting in Portland seems perfect. That meeting usually breaks at 4:00, so we are talking about an early evening affair.

Retirees from Portland are planning on figuring out the refreshments and do outreach. This is step 1 of the outreach: We want YOU there! Bring your stories and your pictures you might have.

If you are interested in giving input on the program or want to help in any way contact Ann Montague at 503-910-5988 or