Faculty at the Oregon Institute of Technology (OT-AAUP) are striking for fair wages, secure benefits, and reasonable and clearly defined workload. Our members have joined them on the picket lines and below is a letter from David Roco, president of SEIU 503 Sublocal 84 which represents about 200 classified staff at Southern Oregon University in Ashland. Solidarity forever.
Dear OT-AAUP Siblings,
My name is David Raco. I am the president of SEIU 503 Sublocal 84 which represents about 200 classified staff at Southern Oregon University in Ashland. I am writing you to express my sympathies and my support for your strike. Be strong and stay safe!
We came very close to striking during our last two bargaining cycles, so I have had a taste of what it is like to gear up to go out. I know how stressful it can be—and here you are actually doing it! Your members seem to be fired up, though, so I have confidence that you can pull this off. You deserve a good first contract. Stand firm and win it!
I am going to keep our members at SOU apprised of your progress. If there is anything you need from our sublocal in terms of support, please contact me at dwraco@gmail.com. After things settle down, I would love to meet with you remotely to discuss your strike and what you learned from the experience.
Know that you have our full support.
In Solidarity,
David Raco
SEIU 503 Sublocal 84 President