On September 30th, 2023, from 1-3pm via zoom the Homecare Council will take a vote to approve changes to the Sublocal 99 Bylaws in order to be in compliance with SEIU 503 Bylaws.
Members in good standing with our Union can attend the meeting. The Council will take up questions and/or concerns from the at-large membership from 1-2pm, and then from 2-3pm the Homecare Council will take a vote to approve or reject the proposed updates to the Bylaws. If you want to participate, join us on ZOOM at: bit.ly/HCcouncil, Meeting ID: 849 3558 2331; Passcode: 176132
- Click here to access the current Homecare Bylaws.
- Click here to access proposed changes to the current Homecare Bylaws.